
andreeb - 2005-07-25 09:01:58
First of all, I LOVE the Professional. One of the best movies ever and one in which I can stand Natalie Portman. Secondly, I'm always late. Not for work appointments, but for work in general. Sometimes I don't get there until 10. You know who notices? Nobody. Such is the glory of my job.
Kelly - 2005-07-25 09:11:25
Happy Monday morning to you, Sunshine!
Lisa - 2005-07-25 11:55:36
*weird* I had a brief flash of feeling last night. No, I'm not talking about that, although I wish I was. I had the feeling that I used to get when it was time to start a new school year. That rush of excitement mixed with fear. I could almost feel and smell my new school clothes! I don't know where it came from, but I definitely felt it. It almost made me want to run out and by school supplies :) BTW: Right now I'm feeling and smelling my 3rd grade classroom :P
DanjerusKurves - 2005-07-25 14:04:32
I'm one of those lucky people who wake up automatically without an alarm. Failing which, the kats wake me up at their convenience.
Sarah - 2005-07-25 19:43:17
I fortunately no longer really have to wake to an dog wakes me up now, precisely at 8am. it's a much nicer way to wake up. Hey, thanks for your note. I will definitely try to keep writing.
Judith - 2005-07-25 20:12:42
Sometimes I want to be 10 years old again and just loving the summertime. Watching cartoons and riding my bike. That was my life. It sounds pretty good.
Sharon - 2005-07-25 23:02:35
I want the secure feeling of masturbating in peace without the fear of somebody knocking and saying "are you masturbating in there???" I miss that feeling.
sarkasmo - 2005-07-26 00:06:27
I'm on a do-nothing vacation this week, so I thought I'd sleep in. My cat woke me up at 745am - earlier than I normally get up. No fair.
Phil - 2005-07-26 04:32:10
With the friggin international date line - I'm in Tuesday.
Phil - 2005-07-26 04:33:10
Thanks to the friggin' international date line - I'm onto Tuesday already.
oddsfish - 2005-07-30 13:16:40
I think alarm clocks are a serious cause of the ridiculously out of control stress levels in our culture. Being RIPPED from delicious REM sleep every morning by either ear-bleeding screetching, or stroke-inducing radio djs is hardly my idea of a relaxing way to live. Being a grown up sucks. Except when you get to go to bed late. And have sex. And drive a car.

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