
Kelly - 2005-07-01 14:04:26
I think your theory also works with the abundance of nostalgia driven shows on tv. VH1's I love series, hit me baby one more time on nbc, even the surreal life. All people, places, things from before. People want to remember any time but right now. Oh and you probably saw a video from My Chemical Romance. exuberant puppies and bunnies, they are not. more like pissy and moany little twats.
Jackie - 2005-07-01 14:08:55
I can't think of any, but you have an excellent point. I think chances are good that you may be right. Judging from how shitty times are right now, the new music that you speak of is going to be fucking great. =)
Andy - 2005-07-01 14:15:12
Huh. All I want to do is look for my lost shaker of salt.

I would go even further than Green day and U2, Springsteen has superseded 4 decades and 7 presidnetail adminstrations.
Gumphood - 2005-07-01 14:21:26
Does anyone remember that "Sex in Candy" song. I hate that song so much. Top Ten worst songs EVER for me.
Samantha - 2005-07-01 14:23:23
You've just discovered the "Art Imitates Life" theory. Besides music, it also carries over to literature, film, art and fashion as well. It is absolutely true that when the economy is good, blonder hair is "in."
Mary - 2005-07-01 14:26:57
Let's take a look at movies as an example of how your theory proves true. Times suck, and "Farenheit 9/11" is a box office smash and "Million Dollar Baby" with it's tragic ending is huge success. Films like "Bewitched" and "Cinderella Man" are tanking so badly that producers want to offer audiences their money back. "Star Wars" did well for obvious reasons, but didn't it feel good to see Anakin go to the Darkside and to feel the evil Empire tighten its grip? I predict "War of the Worlds" will do really decently, too, simply because half of America would like to think the end is near and the other half are hoping Tom Cruise will be viciously slaughtered by aliens (the same Tom Cruise that did successful "pop-y" movies like "Top Gun" and "Jerry McGuire" when times were good).
Kelly - 2005-07-01 14:31:07
There was a spider in the sex and candy video. That alone was enough to make me dislike the song. the fact that it sucked beyond any recognizable suckage made me hate it.
DanjerusKurves - 2005-07-01 15:24:56
Well, aren't you just a little ray of bloody sunshine today? ... 70s? makes me think of bad porn with cheesy soundtracks. Bow-chikka-wow-wow. Would Aerosmith quality for the list?
DanjerusKurves - 2005-07-01 15:25:25
Well, aren't you just a little ray of bloody sunshine today? ... 70s? makes me think of bad porn with cheesy soundtracks. Bow-chikka-wow-wow. Would Aerosmith quality for the list?
Katie - 2005-07-01 15:26:47
Hey, Captain Obvious, stating the obvious is my job. Or something. And I liked Marcy's Playground. And I still do. HANGIN' ROUND.
sarkasmo - 2005-07-01 15:45:50
Music? You call this music? All you kids listen to is noise these days.
awittykitty - 2005-07-01 16:38:07
I graduated from high school in 1976. The only song I can remember is David Bowie's FAME. Is that good or bad? Not really sure, other than that might be an indicator of what was important at the time.
purplecigar - 2005-07-05 12:22:00
I don't have any bands/artists to suggest, I just want to bask in the glow of your genius, Sir Gump.
sarkasmo - 2005-07-05 15:25:57
oh! oh! Phil Collins.
vomitingcod - 2005-07-06 11:30:03
when times are good, the vomiting cod gets BAAAAADDDDD
bethanuy - 2005-07-06 13:25:23
Holy Hell! GUMP made me THINK!

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