
DanjerusKurves - 2005-06-30 12:48:13
Since I'm not a sports fan, I'll just pee in the corner to mark that I was here.
awittykitty - 2005-06-30 12:58:29
Reason #11: Maybe the security crew was in watching "I Want to Be a Hilton"
Danielle - 2005-06-30 13:02:03
Someone stole the head of the Philly Phanatic? Grrrrr.
sarkasmo - 2005-06-30 14:46:55
Sports fans are complete lunatics.
Kelly - 2005-07-01 09:28:56
I guess that your entries that were to come this week were replaced by mildly offensive sport talk. BASTARD! And thanks to DK it smells like pee in here.
DanjerusKurves - 2005-07-01 13:23:00
I, uh, oopsie ... you mean my pee doesn't smell of roses??? damn.

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