
GoingLoopy - 2005-06-27 14:02:11
My favorite is when the parents are sitting separately from the kids, and they impose upon you to "watch" them. By "watch", they mean, play endless games of go fish and listen to the kid whine. That, or the parents in the same row that do not stop the little monster from repeatedly kicking YOUR seat...and then give you go to hell looks when you turn around and tell the brat to stop before you perform an in-flight leg amputation.
Gumphood - 2005-06-27 14:04:20
Actually that happened on my flight a woman turned around with the rage of Lucifer and instructed the child to stop kicking her chair or face eternal damnation. I lit my fart on fire after that, I was so scared.
Kelly - 2005-06-27 14:11:31
Welcome back Rage Boy!
Sarah - 2005-06-27 14:27:41
I think the worst thing about baggage claims is when your bag never shows up at the baggage claim because it is having a grand old time by itself at DC Reagan instead.
Samantha - 2005-06-27 15:11:58
Travel light, you woman. Take one bag and carry it with you in the overhead compartment.
Erika - 2005-06-27 16:12:36
Where's my reply?
Pinklyn - 2005-06-27 16:59:00
I like it when I get stuck (literally) sitting next to someone whose waistline is spilling over into my seat. If I see an individual of generous proportions waiting in the same terminal - I can always be assured that their seating assignment is going to be overlapping with mine. Never fails.
Mary - 2005-06-27 17:01:47
My big favorites are the folks who hardly EVER fly, and every little thing about the process just FREAKS them out or causes major needless drama. Examples of this would be when the security check-point toads ask nicely for these twerps to take off their belt and shoes, and Grandma gets all fussed out. Then, when they get on the plane, they're all wound up about the overstuffed bag that doesn't fit overhead. If it's not that, then it's the small size of the pretzel bag or how "there weren't hardly nothin' in this drink cup!" These folks were the bane of my existence when flying out of Hartsfield for two years. Why did we fight to regain the South again??
Erika - 2005-06-28 09:04:51
"I�ll holla at you later" I take offense to this example.
Anisettekiss - 2005-06-28 10:04:18
Gump. I tag you to list, for all to see, five things you just don't "get" and tag five of your peeps. (No, you don't HAVE to do this, but if you feel like ranting about crizzap, here's an easy way to start.) XOXO
andreeb - 2005-06-28 12:13:09
I used to do exactly as Samantha suggested -- I bag, carry it with you. Unfortunately, I am old and decrepit now and don't want to carry anything, ever.
xquzme - 2005-06-28 12:32:09
I like sitting next to people who start bolting out irish tunes as soon as the plane takes off. They're the best. (Gump, I'll GET you my pretty. And your little dog, TOO!)
Pandi - 2005-06-28 13:11:21
Mother's Day is in May. June 26th is the anniversary of my mother's death.
Pandi - 2005-06-28 13:13:37
Mother's Day is in May. June 26th is the anniversary of my mother's death.
sarkasmo - 2005-06-28 15:24:39
I demand loyalty from my automobiles. All I want them to do are simple tasks: go when I want them to, stop when I want them to, and no crazy shit in between. I will not tolerate the crazy shit.
Sarika - 2005-06-28 19:00:02
i love you. why dont you write my entries for me :p x
sharon - 2005-06-28 20:48:20
welcome back to good ol' [cough cough] boston. i came to visit team malden, but i heard you had more interesting news. email me, i think i have a person interested in a room.
DanjerusKurves - 2005-06-28 23:02:48
But you're still like going to fly me up for the 4th of July weekend, right? I mean Boston NEEDS another British girl in the city just then, right?
krissie p - 2005-06-29 18:11:04
holy frikkin crap if you didnt hit the nail on the head! now... i have only flown out of logan once... and then back in again... but i usually fly out of providence which isnt that far way... so... i get those same people (its new englanders) but man o man there is nothing i hate worse than the dreaded moment that i have to walk up to the carousel and wait for my shit... because 1) im always early for my flight... early early and so my bag is the first one on the plane... which means the last one off (i cant help that im so utterly punctual)2) i have to pee so bad because i refuse to go on the plane and 3)i always get the asshole uppity douche bag that has to wriggle his way in front of me and stand on my fucking toes... i have no problem telling people off thou... none what so ever... and when you fly into providence... just to make me want to slit my throat a little deeper... there is the cliche picture of roger williams over looking the city and it says... "welcome back"... you might as well just kick me in the face and throw my bleeding ass on the conveyer cause i dont care where that plane is going... but i want out of rhode island...
Katie - 2005-06-29 20:29:00
Your naming O'Har 9that's what we cool kids call it-- or something) reminds me of my flight! We were loaded onto it only to have the flight delayed. It was awesome.
Phil - 2005-06-29 23:59:34
Window seat so nobody has to climb over you. Thick book (and a spare) to discourage plane talkers. iPOD to drown out screaming kids. Bring your own snack food or you could be eating fish porridge for breakfast on JAL. Large gin and tonics for everything else. Welcome back!
vomitingcod - 2005-06-30 14:46:47
what, now you announce your entries in advance? LIke the coming attractions at the movie theatre? Good lord...soon you'll have advertisements.

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