
GoingLoopy - 2005-06-14 16:17:12
You know, that makes me want to play Amazon games...but the problem is (and this appears to be your problem too), if I go to that site, I will buy stuff. At least $25 worth for the free shipping, which then ends up being $50 at minimum. Amazon is evil. So is Ben Affleck.
Mary - 2005-06-14 16:18:00
HA! In the spirit of your entry, I looked up "Glitter" (the Mariah Carey movie). Under the recommendations was, you guessed it, "Gigli"!!!!
Kelly - 2005-06-14 16:18:55
You have no idea how excited I was over the hammerhead preview. Stupid excited.
Anisettekiss - 2005-06-14 16:19:19
Did I miss the review on Glitter?
Gumphood - 2005-06-14 16:21:29
Glitter didn't happen. It's a myth. Like the Unicorn.
bethany - 2005-06-14 16:23:24
#91 happens to be my fave movie EVER! That and Flight of the Navigator! It's like one big long commerical for McDonald's! Who doesn't want to watch that?!?!?!
cloudy - 2005-06-14 17:42:48
Interesting social commentary.
dooki - 2005-06-14 19:07:15
HA HA!!! What I like the best is "You got Served" they also bought instructional videos, so they can take it "home" with them. Man, I've always wanted to learn how to "pop and lock" like those assholes. HAHA
luva - 2005-06-14 20:06:15
ha! bennifer is "steam-filled." like a teapot. that's awesome. and, for some more unrecommendations, gary oldman has been in some piss poor flicks, man.
sharon - 2005-06-14 22:26:26
i don't know if it reminds me of home or what, but i love "you got served"
Phil - 2005-06-14 23:27:30
I think you've just invented a new game.
sarkasmo - 2005-06-14 23:46:23
This is the same kind of fun I had going to babelfish and translating disco song lyrics into french, then portugeuse, then back into english.
Katie - 2005-06-15 00:14:17
Well, obviously, Nessy, I would prefer the hammerhead movie over the sabertooth movie , and for these reasons:

  1. sabertooth tigers are dead
  2. people need to get over that
  3. I can resurrect my saying, "Why do you pound your hammer so?"
  4. and because there are too many old people
I was reminded of the Critic. BY THE WAY.
Samantha - 2005-06-16 11:41:32
Is Flight of the Phoenix (with Kurt Russell) on the worst list? It was so f*ing bad I can't bring myself to expend the energy it would take to look it up. I don't even think Mystery Science Theatre would stoop low enough to do a bit on this one.
Pandi - 2005-06-19 00:01:08
Gawd, I missed your diary.

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