
Gumphood - 2005-05-13 10:25:59
This entry is disgusting.
Kelly - 2005-05-13 10:29:51
You hit maximum dorkage the instant you typed the fredrick the elf stuff. He's a girl. so best. Virgin Suicides was a great movie. Feel better soon, snotface
Katie - 2005-05-13 10:39:05
I get excited about pants. I get excited in the pants, too.
GoingLoopy - 2005-05-13 11:17:35
If you put a clothespin on your nose to stop the flow, perhaps something cool would snot shooting out your ears.
bethany - 2005-05-13 12:16:29
Dude, I am back. I don't care how much you have sucked lately, we are still in love and I will continue to stalk you from a distance.
vomitingcod - 2005-05-13 12:36:12
ohhhh yeahhhhhhh....mad props to ME for my mad SKILLLLLZZZZZZZ --skilz
Judith - 2005-05-13 12:39:35
Mmm..ritz peanut butter sandwiches.
DanjerusKurves - 2005-05-13 12:55:15
Do you have to kick yourself out of bed for eating crackers?
chillier - 2005-05-13 14:07:12
Drink to kill the pain - and the germs. It's much more effective than DayQuil or whatever you're taking that's making you "flighty". Whiskey works wonders.
Mary - 2005-05-13 14:10:10
Mmmm, I love sick days. Just me and the remote and whatever is in my refridgerator. Sleep lots for me!
Pandi - 2005-05-13 14:24:03
I hope you feel better soon. I would PAY to see the zombie movie with you. And, I completed the assignement you gave me. It led me to an amazing self-discovery...
Pandi - 2005-05-13 14:24:30
I also really do know how to spell "assignment."
betty - 2005-05-13 14:29:42
OMGD I"m so jealous. Iw ant to see the zombie movie.
Danielle - 2005-05-13 16:13:53
I freaking love that picture of Patrick Swayze dirty dancing with the kitten.
cloudy - 2005-05-13 18:13:50
Have a good weekend, stinky.
sarkasmo - 2005-05-15 15:09:18
sorry you're sick. every time i'm sick like that, and try to watch TV, that old "boy in the bubble" movie comes on. i hate that.

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