
Katie - 2005-05-04 09:54:23
The great thing about 24 is that no matter who dies, jack will always remain. So, it's like TOTALLY job and national security. I mean, they haev NO show without Jack. Think about all their tag lines! "You don't know Jack!" Well, that's because you killed him in the eighth season! Everything's changed, man.
sarkasmo - 2005-05-04 10:32:46
Okay, 24 is suspenseful and we do owe our very lives to the great Jack Bauer, but I haven't watch season 4 at all because I got so sick of watching Kim do nothing but cry. Seriously, that's all she does. Something goes wrong, and she cries. Then she wanders off like a 3-year-old in a supermarket to get herself in MORE TROUBLE. Jack needs to get one of those kid leashes for her. And is she dead yet? Because there's only so much luck in this world, and she's already used up her alotted luck. She's now sucking up OUR luck. So if you don't win the lottery, it's because of Kim Bauer.
razor-vixen - 2005-05-04 10:47:25
Kim wasn't in this season AT ALL! Happy day. You are totally right, Gump. If the world was falling to shit Jack would be the man you want on your side. It was sad this week as he let her husband die to save the terrorist so they could find out where Marwan (sp) is. Of course she'll never forgive him, but no one else could have made that decision. I want to have Jack's baby!!
Erika - 2005-05-04 10:49:16
I have a girl crush on Ellen Degeneres. I guess I'll have to Netflix 24, if I can ever get around to watching the movies I have.
Jack Bauer - 2005-05-04 10:49:20
sharon - 2005-05-04 11:01:50
have you been watching my season 3 again...? i so admire Nina Meyers. She is who i want to be.
betty - 2005-05-04 11:02:07
I talk like that every day. every day. don't believe me? I'll hurt you. Then I'll kill you. Then tell me you don't believe me.
sarkasmo - 2005-05-04 11:22:55
AWESOME! *tivo*
Snake Eyes - 2005-05-04 12:16:21
DanjerusKurves - 2005-05-04 16:34:01
Oh great, you just ruined about 3 seasons' worth of unwatched DVD's that I haven't actually bought yet.
betty - 2005-05-04 23:26:19
hahahha gi joe. random = love.

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