
Gumphood - 2005-04-19 11:17:18
Insterestingly ... Shilling faced that day, Bush...a Blue Jay picture, and then met with Kerry....hmmmm....I don't know what that means.
Samantha - 2005-04-19 11:27:07
John Kerry rules. I don't know that other guy, though.
Jackie - 2005-04-19 11:27:41
Who doesn't love Patriot's Day? PEOPLE IN NH!!! WTF! We still have to work and shit! =)
GoingLoopy - 2005-04-19 11:27:47
More silly sports talk. But now I think I'm beginning to understand. Sports=excuse to drink before noon. You guys could save yourselves a lot of boredom, nasty bathrooms, and overpriced watered down beer if you'd just follow this simple rule: "It's always noon somewhere." ;)
Ange - 2005-04-19 12:00:10
It was Patriots Day? I thought the Patriots were football.
Mary - 2005-04-19 12:07:59
I think Boston and Chicago have a lot in common when it comes to having actual warm, beautiful days in the spring (because summer here doesn't really show up until late June). And let me just say that I LOVED the John Kerry pic. I'm still so sad he's not our president; I genuinely liked him, and not because he was anybody-but-Bush.
Pandi - 2005-04-19 13:01:10
Beats Patriot ACT day! Love the Kerry pic, though it made me wistful.
Gumphood - 2005-04-19 13:41:34
Well its Kerry and Schilling. You know...the Huge Bush supporter.
Andy - 2005-04-19 14:21:25
And here I thought Patrtiots day was about a football team.

Where's Flash's?

I wish John Kerry would go far away.
Cloudy - 2005-04-19 14:41:28
Patriots day screwed me up. I was supposed to fedex important meeting material to my boss to arrive Monday AM, but apparently MA closes shop entirely & no one told us. Oops. Hey Andy, John Kerry loves you.
kevin - 2005-04-19 15:53:50
God, that entry ruled
Sarah - 2005-04-19 16:10:04
I still like John Kerry. Even if he is a Red Sox fan.
bethany - 2005-04-19 16:45:28
xquzme - 2005-04-20 08:05:59
I'm scooting up and sitting next to Andy on this one. Move over, bud.
xquzme - 2005-04-20 08:06:01
I'm scooting up and sitting next to Andy on this one. Move over, bud.
Beulah - 2005-04-21 15:33:15
I love Patriot's Day too. Even if it's technically Evacuation Day or whatever the state calls it so they can make it a holiday. Or is that St Patrick's Day? I watched the Marathon from Coolidge Corner and I yelled "Go Shonda" at a blonde woman in a long-sleeved white top, but my friend told me later Shonda Schilling was running in a long-sleeved black top. Oh well. I love cheering the runners. Go Red-hair! Go High-stepper! Go Canada! Go Moustache! Cowboy Up! And toward the end, the novelty runners in their devil costumes and their names written down their arms. There was even a guy dressed as the Pesky Pole. Gotta love it. Go Sox!

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