
Doc - 2005-04-08 09:35:18
What! They got rid of Cookie Monster!?! You've gotta be kidding. I loved him because he was all Id...
Gumphood - 2005-04-08 09:40:34
He's going to be more a nutrition monster.
------------------------------- - 2005-04-08 09:44:31
Being a young kid in the 60's I grew up on Seseme street. I rememeber the original Mr. Whipple and the white Gorden. This is an outrage.

I also heard (could be a myth) that they also re-tooled Oscar the Grouch as it was insesitive to Homeless? And who could forget the rumors about "outing" Ernie and Bert. And further rumors that Ernie was going to die of AIDs to educate kids better about it...

For me, Sesame street jumped the shark with Snafalaophgus.
BigPimpinMBA - 2005-04-08 09:44:42
I am outraged. Cookie monster has some of the sharpest wit on that show. Baby Bear and Tellymonster certainly add to the comedic genius of the show, but none can hold a candle to the Cookie Monster. This is a sad, sad day for the world.

And like anyone is buying that a kid is getting THAT excited about vegetables... Puh-Lease.

I will look like that American Indian guy with the littering (tear running down my cheek) for the rest of today.
Cookie - 2005-04-08 09:45:54
This is just ridiculous. It makes me sad. Cookie Monster likes cookies, so what? This is just like when they got rid of Joe Camel because they thought he promoted teen smoking. I bet if you polled people who started smoking as teens, Joe Camel would NOT be the reason why they started up. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I think that Cookie Monster should turn into Elmo Monster and eat that little bastard. I hate him.
Sarika - 2005-04-08 09:52:57
Elmo was my favourite, being pink. I used to run home from playschool as fast as i could to watch Sesame Street. And my mum would make me a ham sandwich. Happy times. Was awesome. I don't think they even show it here anymore...? Cookie Monster had class, so that's just rude. x
Gumphood - 2005-04-08 09:53:34
I think they should bring back Fraggle Rock.
BigPimpinMBA - 2005-04-08 10:05:45
Sarika, Elmo is red here in the US, but maybe it was different elsewhere. (I'm assuming you don't live in the US because you said "mum") I can't imagine a pink Elmo. I think Prarie Dawn is pink. (Can anyone tell I have two young kids?)

Fraggle Rock was awesome. I like the Doozers.
Lu - 2005-04-08 10:06:08
Don't get me wrong...being mathematical makes you a dork...but what can I say? I like dorks. Aaaaand...I love that you just mentioned fraggle rock. I agree. Bring it back!
chillier - 2005-04-08 10:06:16
Pussy Monster! What a great learning tool for the young boys and budding lesbians of America.
chillier - 2005-04-08 10:10:17
I support the return of the Fraggles as well. Was the God a pile of leaves or a pile of compost or a pile of garbage? I can't remember. You know that thing they always ventured outside to consult because it was so wise? I think it was leaves.
Erika - 2005-04-08 10:20:05
I agree with the snufalumpagus (?) comment. When I started watching SS with Peyton, I thought, "What the fuck, i thought no one could see Snuffy." Crazy, crazy.
Gumphood - 2005-04-08 10:24:17
"THE TRASH HEAP HAS SPOKEN" was a trash heap. They lived with the Gorgs (or some "g" word) which were giants. It was werid, because one exit to Fraggle Rock were humans and the traveling uncle. And the other was a trashheap and Giant Trolls things. I mean...wouldn't the humans the trolls fight? And David Bowie would have to stop them.
melanie - 2005-04-08 10:27:55
I really hope this is some sort of sick joke. Kids like cookies because they are small enough and sweet enough to wrap their little fingers around. The problem is parents who give their kids a plate of cookies for dessert after feeding them McDonalds for dinner. Poor Cookie Monster, he must feel so unloved right now.
Jennifer - 2005-04-08 10:41:25
Will and I watch Sesame every morning while he's eating his breakfast. The new season of episodes started Monday, and they all have a "get healthy" theme to them. BUT yesterday, Big Bird was at Mr. Hooper's store (which is still Hooper's store, even though Mr. Hooper is dead) with Alan, the current storekeeper, making The Best Birdseed Cookies Ever for Big Bird's grandmother. And Cookie Monster dressed as Nanny Bird and tried to steal the cookies, and was caught when the real Nanny Bird showed up. Then they all ate cookies together. Nanny Bird ate one. Big Bird ate one. Cookie Monster ate six. So rest assured, there are still cookies in the monster's furry blue mitts!
Andy - 2005-04-08 10:46:51
I think we should bring back H.R, PuffinStuff. Good stuff for all the young pre-school stoners.

Joe Camel: it's my understanding that Congress passed a law stating that cartoon charectures could not advertise restricted products (booze, cigs, meds) and so went the way of Joe Camel and BudMan. You also can't use Santa to promote those products as well.
andreeb - 2005-04-08 11:05:16
GAHHH! I have a book for Josh with Cookie's favorite foods and they're all peppers and carrots and such :)
Ellen - 2005-04-08 11:16:24
They can call them "low carb" cookies.
betty - 2005-04-08 11:20:45
That would be sacriligious. Really they have changed too much about sesame street already.
Maggie - 2005-04-08 11:58:26
Okay...I am annoyed that cookie monster is being given a new script and Gump hit the nail on the head....but I'd like to focus on the rumor that Oscar the Grouch is being re-tooled because he is insensitive to HOMELESS people???? ARE YOU KIDDING?????????? Do you see the Homeless people complaining????They aren't even watching T.V! Who is it that decides this crap???
chillier - 2005-04-08 12:12:11
Didn't Mr. Hooper die cause he caught the hiv?
Erin - 2005-04-08 13:27:53
GAAAAAHHH! THEY CAN'T CHANGE COOKIE MONSTER!! Seasame street just isn't the same. And how is it, that they can sell "Potty Elmo" that sits on a toilet, but they worry about a kid having a damn cookie?
Erin - 2005-04-08 13:34:41
GAAAAAHHHH! THEY CAN'T CHANGE COOKIE MONSTER! Seasame Street just isn't the same. And how is it they can sell "Potty Elmo", that sits on a toilet, and at the same time worry about a kid having a damn cookie?
hcatty - 2005-04-08 14:01:34
hahaha!! Potty Elmo! That's awesome. I use to LIVE for Sesame Street, except that Big Bird scared me - he still does. But the Cookie Monster was the BEST!! To change him is just so fundamentally wrong, on every level. Also, Oscar the Grouch is not derogatory towards homeless!? He's got a home!! He lives in the trash can!! That's not his fault, that's just where he lives!! There's a line, people. And television has crossed it.
Gumphood - 2005-04-08 15:09:19
Oscar has prime real estate. I swear, if he moved out, some puppet thing would DEFEINTLY move in.
cloudy - 2005-04-08 15:46:18
Cookie Monster was the first two words I ever said together. Damn, now I want a cookie.
Ernie - 2005-04-08 16:30:47
Hey now, Cookie Monster is still going to eat cookies. Just other good for you food too. Like Burt and I. Burt and I will eat a healthy dinner, but before snuggling up together before the fireplace we like to share some cookies and milk. Some times we like to share strawberries and man milk.
Jennifer - 2005-04-08 16:31:36
Cheezits, people--calm down! Cookie Monster is still eating cookies, and Oscar still lives in his trash can! Honest--my 17-month-old and I watched them both this morning.
Katie - 2005-04-08 18:00:02
Dude, the movie COULD be less funny. BECAUSE IT WAS HILARIOUS. Thus making it possible to decline in quality. Because of it already being so high. ...My nap screwed up my head.
Sarika - 2005-04-08 18:27:46
It's the same Sesame Street (can you imagine them making a different version purely for british children..?!) Actually, for all you know I could be from anywhere. Ah the internet is a confusing place. Red is similar to pink(!), my memory fails me sadly, has been too many years. I thought he was sweet...
Jackie - 2005-04-08 20:06:49
The movie was great. I liked Snoop and the Bear the best. It was so not funny, and that's what made it so funny. My kids loved it too.
Jessica - 2005-04-08 21:02:49
Fraggle rock was the ass kickenest show ever. Boober and his socks...oh goodness. Now see, I don't htink that the trash heap was god. I think that the trash heap was a pagan goddess manifestation. I mean, lets look at the majority of Henson's work outside of the Muppets. The Labrynth, The Dark Crystal. And, FYI, Henson worked on those and many other productions with Brian Froud, the faerie artist who put together and oracle deck. (similar to tarot, but not quite)I say Jim Henson definately had a penchant for old earth based religions. But anyways, the trash heap. I think she is representative of Calliach, the celtic goddess of wisdom...known as the mother of all and often represented as a sorcerous hag. But this is just my interpretation.
sarkasmo - 2005-04-09 00:56:19
1. Why can't they change Elmo? He's a whiny-ass piece of shit. Leave cookie monster alone. They haven't pointed out that the Count has OCD, having to assign numbers to everything. And Kermit, he's a talking frog. Only people on drugs see those. Why mess with cookie monster? 2. Your movie was like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It made me want to drink, and by the time I was done throwing things at the screen, it was over. 3. The trash heap's name was Marjorie, and you guys who remember her just brought tears to my eyes. Nobody around here remembers anything about Fraggle Rock but the theme song.
Aleisa - 2005-04-09 10:23:04
cut the gizzard into 1/2-inch cubes. Put all into a stewpan containing a small piece of lean ham cut into dice. Fry the gizzard a few minutes, then add 2 quarts of good stock, an onion stuck with cloves, thyme, or parsley; 2 sprigs of marjoram, a few celery seeds tied in a muslin bag, a teaspoonful of pepper. Simmer gently for two hours, then remove the gizzard and put them into a tureen.
Samantha - 2005-04-11 14:32:03
I love Grover. And Fraggle Rock. But the Muppet Show was the shizzle and still is.
Mary - 2005-04-11 16:17:00
OMG, I cannot believe this world! Freakin' PBS is going to take the blows again for heartless, mind-numbing, obesity-pushing corporate broadcasting stupidity!! When the hell are Nabisco, Kellogg's, et. al, going to take some freakin' responsibility and STOP PUSHING THEIR PRODUCTS DURING CHILDREN'S PROGRAMMING??!!
Anisettekiss - 2005-04-11 16:59:27
I can feel my innocence being slowly suffocated. Thanks a lot.

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