
Cookie - 2005-03-23 16:25:07
I like to think they paid him in Chicken Bacon Ranch sandwiches.
Cookie - 2005-03-23 16:26:12
I like to think they paid him in sandwiches.
Gumphood - 2005-03-23 16:34:18
I'd like to get paid in bacon. Or Burke.
Brooke Burke - 2005-03-23 17:29:36
No. You suck.
Brooke Burke - 2005-03-23 17:34:06
EWWWWWW NO! I dont do evil gumpy little men!
jes - 2005-03-23 17:34:07
heh, I didn't even know that was them. funny. PHuNny.
SKB - 2005-03-23 20:51:48
jes, don't drag the blowfish into this one. Hootie stands/sings alone on this one.
Katie - 2005-03-23 21:46:02
Seriously. Hootie, what were you thinking?
melanie - 2005-03-23 22:45:46
"streams of bacon ranch dressing flow right up to your knees" That sounds like my idea of hell.
Hootie - 2005-03-24 08:17:32
Look, I have a new albumn, no one is listening because even though I'm talented. I'm a black man who sings songs about things besides bitches and hos. So the black people don't want me. But white folks don't want me because you are all listening to rap....and Christina Aguilera. But she is just diRRty. So screw you all.
Samantha - 2005-03-24 09:06:11
Is that really real? Or am I just completely gullible?
Gumphood - 2005-03-24 10:54:08
Is that guys really Hooties?
razor-vixen - 2005-03-24 12:11:30
The first time I saw that ad, I thought "this guy has sunk to a new low!" I guess he needed money.
Hootie - 2005-03-24 14:41:14
Actually, my real name is Darius, but no one bothers to know that either.
EX - 2005-03-30 03:08:39
You are right Hootie is ridiculous, and an ass. I know because I met him once. It was at three in the morning in a Diner I worked at. He was an ass. He complained about the food, in a Diner, at three in the morning. Even though there was nothing wrong with his food when the waitress delivered it to him and came back and asked if it was O.K. No one recognized him so he started informing the staff who he was. Another waitress and I placated him by pretending to be impressed that he was famous and found our really short manager to pose in a picture with him so he would look tall.

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