
purplecigar - 2005-03-04 12:16:28
So, who offered you a free taco? Cause if it was some random dude on the street, that's creeptastic.
Gumphood - 2005-03-04 12:17:51
Still trying to get the pictures to work.
Gumphood - 2005-03-04 12:20:59
chillier - 2005-03-04 12:24:15
Looks like Pizza Hut's got the right idea.
Kelly - 2005-03-04 12:37:29
Ok so that whole vagina thought of as a fish taco is repulsive. I mean its really really gross. Not the vagina of course but the phrase fish taco. that being said, pizza hut rocks!
GoingLoopy - 2005-03-04 12:46:44
Fish taco...thanks for helping me stick to the ol' diet there, Gump. And you just want people to come back to your page 90 kazillion times so your stats will be all inflated... :)
Anisettekiss - 2005-03-04 12:57:22
*dramatic sigh* Gosh I'm feeling awfully sad... If only there was someone who could make me happy. *sigh*
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2005-03-04 13:02:13
I'm confused, was this one entry or two? Or three?
jessica - 2005-03-04 13:07:19
My favorite was the Pizza Hut. Also, I don't like the vagina being refered to as a "fish taco." Vagina's are far too pretty for that.
bethany - 2005-03-04 13:22:24
I prefer "bearded clam" but all references to female privates and sea creatures are just plain offensive. If I only had some Mad Dog 20/20 to comfort me...
Mary - 2005-03-04 13:30:19
I have a visual of diced up salmon with salsa verde and cheese all mashed up together in a crunchy shell. Nasty!
Procrasto - 2005-03-04 14:22:56
Bearded clam, eh? When I was kid we refered to them as 'clods', simply because it conjured up images of earthiness. It still is funny, but I don't know why. Oh. And being a fan of the Taco (and moreover the 'Bell) I too would have issue with miscellaneous fish taco. I would, at bare minimum have to decline the sour cream. McD's did prove that cheese and fish can work. Just not the sour cream.
krissie p - 2005-03-04 14:30:48
eek... where to start... (im not sure i even want to) first off no genetalia can be reffered to as pretty. nothing you keep under multiple layers of clothes to keep from getting arrested is "pretty"... fun. enjoyable. yes. pretty. no. ok... i guess thats all i had to say. =D
Ellen - 2005-03-04 15:09:01
You sound like you just might have been a ... brat. :oP Oh, wait. What am I talkin' about? You probably still are. And, hey. I had a dream about you. Kinky.
betty - 2005-03-04 15:50:56
I like the picture that said "now hiring losers" best.
Yeahyouknowme - 2005-03-04 16:23:50
Gump, you have the only diary in the world where you can catch a std just from reading the comments.
cloudy - 2005-03-04 17:34:11
mmm...vagina taco...
Samantha - 2005-03-04 22:15:09
I'm guessing Gump is either a youngest sibling or an only child. Am I right, or am I right?
inhale13 - 2005-03-05 00:27:43
Burgertime Kid!
onewetleg - 2005-03-05 02:02:02
he's just a spoiled brat, samantha. i love fish tacos. the ones i have had consisted of a deep fried slab of snapper or pollack and mexican coleslaw in a lovely soft corn tortilla. by the way, i have dated a few women and none of them had vaginas that smelled like fish. if the pussy smells like fish then you sir, are dating the wrong women. good luck with that.
SKB - 2005-03-05 03:43:11
You can't judge the fish tacos if you have not lived in southern california. case closed, our mexican food rocks above all. except maybe mexico's.
Nikki - 2005-03-06 22:05:22
Hahahahaha!!!! Badcock!!! LMFAO!!!!!! I the only one who found that fucking hilarious?!?

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