
Vizzi3 - 2005-02-13 18:47:24
*cough* A.D.D *cough*
andreeb - 2005-02-13 19:18:38
Feel better!!
bettt - 2005-02-13 19:25:47
I love the name Max. I want to name a kid that. Maxwell House. ha ha. Yeah I want to name a kid Maxwell House. Best. Oh umm what ?? I hope you feel better. Have fun playing "risky business" and running about in your undies in someone else's house. You know you do it. Don't deny it.
Samantha - 2005-02-13 19:34:01
I'll bet my hangover is worse than your flu. Feel better soon.
Kelly - 2005-02-13 19:37:05
Dude. Dip Baby Dip.
AJ - 2005-02-13 19:57:02
*hug* I hope you feel better.
xquzme, I miss you! - 2005-02-13 21:03:28
Get better soon, baby... I miss you. And what is UP with this DiaryLand germ sharing thing? I mean, DAMN! We're all (cough) sick. One word: Nyquil. Give Max a hit, too. Sleep tight, sweetie.
Ellen - 2005-02-13 23:16:32
*hugs* I hope you feel better.
alyssa - 2005-02-13 23:36:02
taking flight? that is obscure. i bet even you don't get it. i am back in nc. booo, 45 degrees and rainy. i miss florida. 12 hours ago i was in the animal kingdom. now i'm watching "you've got mail" on tnt. how time flies.
Lu - 2005-02-14 00:30:10
Ahh. You change pet names, too? My dogs always have different names. I call my dog "Drake", "Bear". I no longer remember how I got there, but I know it made sense. Maxwell House sounds tougher, anyway. It's cool. I have also discovered that you can make a dog sound pretty badass just by saying "dog" after the name. Like, "Will-dog". Sounds WAY tougher than just plain Will. Think about it: "Max-dog". WOOT! Also, if you give it a name that starts with "the", they'll be the coolest pooch on the block. I have a puppy called, "The Big Stupid." Says a lot about him, AND it's unique. Maxwell House is a lucky dog to have someone like you to toughen up her name. Hope you get better, gumpy *smooches*
sweetx4 - 2005-02-14 00:33:10
oh my gumphood wump sweet cuddly boo boo bear. I'm so sorry you're sick. I wanna give you little kisses and make you feel better. kiss and kiss and kiss. gumpy wumpy.
Andy - 2005-02-14 09:29:01
I refuse to join this pathetic choir of "Gump Suckers" that are fawing over you for your attention. Gimme a break...

Ok...fuck it...I'll join...Get well Gumpy Wumpy...

I feel so cheap...
Gumphood - 2005-02-14 10:53:36
Sweet 4 x. That was crazy.
krissie p - 2005-02-14 16:02:23
what ever you so choose. thou i do have a really badass one i just made thats poured over whipped cream... its great... and its snowing so its perfect. =)
Becky - 2005-02-15 07:47:20
awww poor Gumpy Wumpy, i hope you feel better soon mate, being ill is the worst.

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