
Andy - 2005-02-01 12:46:50
Actually, the polar bear is not white. It's fur has no color (to better absorb heat from the sun). I am so friggin smart I constantly amaze myself. :^)
Andy - 2005-02-01 12:47:48
And Gump, since your from MA, how could you not mention Polar Bears make wonderful Soda?: Polar Soda, Worcester, MA.
Samantha - 2005-02-01 12:53:58
Yeah, it looks like they'd be good kissers if you like having your HEAD BITTEN OFF as foreplay. They are cute, though, aren't they?
Procrasto - 2005-02-01 13:05:41
For someone who is so antipolarbearist, you make a bad case of how silly they are. No-one fucks with a polar bear. NO-ONE! Then end. Polar bears for president.
sanetwin - 2005-02-01 13:11:19
aww I want to hug one!!
Andy - 2005-02-01 13:18:33
You mentioned Coke, not Polar Soda. for Shame, Gump. For shame.
Anisettekiss - 2005-02-01 13:40:25
All polar bears are left-handed. Look it up. It's true.
Andy - 2005-02-01 13:56:12
You must mean "Left Pawed" Anisette, "Left PAWED". Polar bears do not have hands.

Told you i was a friggin smart.
Amber - 2005-02-01 14:34:12
Hehe, you never cease to amuse me. That is too friggin funny!
cloudy - 2005-02-01 14:35:49
LOOK OUT BABY SEAL!!! I think this is my fave gump post, so far.
Rhi - 2005-02-01 14:49:56
"plus they drink Coke"'s phrases like that that make me want to lick your windows at night.
Ellen - 2005-02-01 15:26:51
I like bears. And. I read the first line of this entry and just smiled. That's right. You make my day. Well, most days. I've gotta be honest. I mean, c'mon. ;)
Anisettekiss - 2005-02-01 15:46:19
Andy. Firstly - Bite it. Secondly - SHALL I really go through your posts and site your mistakes or are we gonna let this one go? (Gosh Ima flippin bitch.) Love you.
Andy - 2005-02-01 16:03:30
Gump tell that flippin bitch to keep quite. Us real polar bear experts are trying to have an intelligent conversation.

Here's another little know polar bear fact: Due to the shape of their larynx, the polar bear, if able to talk would not be able to pronounce the word "lasagna"
Gumphood - 2005-02-01 16:17:40
I also heard that due to the concavity of its anus, it actually poops hersey kisses.
Anisettekiss - 2005-02-01 16:22:03
Well guess who isn't getting the picture of the polar bear I drew today. Andy. I spent like three hours shading the upper lip. Your loss, pansy. And it's Miss Flippin Bitch to you. xoxo
Andy - 2005-02-01 16:28:15
Ohhhh, come on, can't I see the picture of the polar bear? PUH-LEASE?

I will then use my mad polar bear skillz to see if it's accurate. I am sure you will appreciate my expert critque of your so called "polar bear" :^)
Anisettekiss - 2005-02-01 16:42:45
LOL. I flippin KNEW I'd find you here, AGAIN.
Jerry Springer - 2005-02-01 17:14:38
Lets Bring out the North American Black Bear!!!!!!!!
Erin - 2005-02-01 17:50:17
Wow, man. Just wow.
Lu - 2005-02-01 18:59:41
Oh Gumpy, you make me laugh ever so hard. You threw out black socks?! That's like...a sin. Black socks are the most magnificent piece of clothing ever invented. Because I said so. I have a habit of keeping all socks, no matter how big the hole. I'm a pig.
Jenn - 2005-02-01 19:08:42
Too funny. Thanks Gump, I needed a laugh today. My employer (which ironically enough, is Coke...) is driving me crazy.
Amber - 2005-02-01 19:09:15
Hehe, is it just me or is there some definite flirting/sexual tension going on between Anisette and Andy? :D
andreeb - 2005-02-01 19:22:38
Polar bears are awesome! Vicious bastards too, I hear.
Phil - 2005-02-01 21:57:47
and they are the offical spokes-animal for Bundaberg Rum
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2005-02-01 22:03:15
I saw a video once where a polar bear dove into the water to attack a killer whale. And won. I mean,'s an animal that has "killer" in its name. I wouldn't mess with a fuckin' tiger. Wait, what the hell was I talking about?
Liquid Human - 2005-02-01 22:37:51
Polar bears are sweet because they have no natural enemies. Probably because they kung-fued all their natural enemies.
bethany - 2005-02-02 15:07:42
I am dumping Dio. It's you and me forever. I am looking up fares to Beantown on another Explorer window as I type.
Amber - 2005-02-02 16:21:49
Gump, per your comment on my journal, of course I like sexual tension in other people's journals. I'm projecting. Hehe.
krissie p - 2005-02-02 18:04:57
i got attacked by 2 giant polar bears and i was so scared i couldnt move... someone got a picture of it before they came to rescue me... thats it right there...
Clarity - 2005-02-03 07:18:01
I've been reading your diary for a while now..Interesting and informative commentary on polarbears..illustrated too. lol. Thanks for your note..however, When you say "serious" you mean, serious as in Cancer, you know depressing and heavy? Or serious as in real introspective? Or maybe that note was meant for someone else's diary entirely and you accidentally left it in my notebox.:) haha, take care -Clarity

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