
andreeb - 2005-01-17 21:53:59
Dennis Quaid is totally underrated. Then again, movies like Cold Creek Manor don't help his case...
Gumphood - 2005-01-17 22:04:54
With a better agent, he could have been a (yes I am going to say it) Harrison Ford, before he started sucking. I really liked "in Good Company"
Ellen - 2005-01-17 22:45:39
Tom Brady - ewe. The Patriots are becoming the Yankees of football. Gross.
Phil - 2005-01-17 23:23:37
Hey I watched In Good Company over the weekend, loved the Quaid but I'm starting to think Scarlett Johannsen is overrated. Do you think the success of Lost in Translation was because she didn't talk?
Katie - 2005-01-18 10:18:12
You totally missed the part where I said I was nineteen. Or you didn't and my sarcasmo-meter is all off. I made more cookies and they are all over the place. Shame on me.
Andy - 2005-01-18 12:10:55
Ellen: The Patriots are not the Yankees. The Pats are a respctable TEAM. How dare you compare the PATs to anything New York.

Gump? did you make it to the game? I was there (standing room only...). The crowd was great!
Amber - 2005-01-18 13:16:59
I agree... Dennis Quaid IS underrated. And I'm so glad to hear that "In Good Company" was good. I've been wanting to see that and as soon as I go back home, I'm going to watch it in theaters. Definitely looks like my cup of tea - being a sucker for romance and all. Anyway... that's all I'm commenting on because I really don't know jack about sports, haha.
Gumphood - 2005-01-18 13:33:55
The PATS are underrated. And they are no Yankees. Evil is overpaided all starts. We have 2 pro-bowlers and one is injured. Our kicker is the third most popular jesrsey.
Samantha - 2005-01-18 14:22:12
I work with someone who may be the biggest Tom Brady fan of all time. She has teen-idol type pictures of him, and her boyfriend got her a Tom Brady jersey for Christmas.

And great movie line. I'll have to see it. I loved Scarlett Johansen in Ghost World.
bethany - 2005-01-18 15:56:59
Try as you might, you'll never top this speech you punk ass!
Andy - 2005-01-18 17:12:57
Bethany, Perhaps it doens't translate into the written word very well, but the Will Ferrel at Harvard speech blows. Sorry.
Kelly - 2005-01-18 18:41:56
Boy Andy arent you just a big old ball of cheer. Hey Gumpy....Go Steelers.
Gumphood - 2005-01-18 20:20:08
I want balls of cheer, and hate. Its an open forume...I still can't spell. I think i should learn and SHOCK you all.
Samantha - 2005-01-18 21:27:50
Plain or chocolate covered?

Almonds, that is...not balls of cheer.
Andy - 2005-01-19 12:36:52
Yea, I'm grumpy. Sorry. Go Patriots!
vomitingcod - 2005-01-19 16:54:46
Mexico City BURROS. And yes, the Burros' lawyers will be calling you. Kazinori Tsuji is very disappointed in you.

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