
PUBLIUS - 2005-01-14 12:38:52
nice glasses
Gumphood - 2005-01-14 12:48:36
Thanks. I think...
betty - 2005-01-14 13:03:37
The baby/pickle picture is scary/perverted almost. But funny still. And you are such a harry Potter look-alike. Drunk. With stubble on your chin. Great!
Ellen - 2005-01-14 13:04:21
You're so cute. :)
Kelly - 2005-01-14 13:16:34
haha! Molly just asked if you WERE harry potter! I said no and she said "well does he play him on tv?" I said yes, yes he does.
Gumphood - 2005-01-14 13:18:21
I actually do play Harry on TV.
jes - 2005-01-14 13:26:30
did anyone ever tell you you look like harry potter? or, rather, that you COULD look like harry potter if he was a 26 year old economist.
jes - 2005-01-14 13:28:18
ok, I opened the comment section, left for a half our, came back, DID not reload the page, and left a post that wouldn't have been idoitic then, but is now. I guess the answer is YES, someone has told you you look like H Potter. Still, the second half of my question is valid.
not-tuesday - 2005-01-14 13:36:57
You really can't eat a grilled cheese sandwich without a pickle.
Gumphood - 2005-01-14 13:38:59
I totally am not an economist. I'm a mage. A wicked mage. who's Kicken A55.
sarika - 2005-01-14 14:02:22
frightening.... x
cloudy - 2005-01-14 14:06:39
Please don't squash the pigeon
xquzme - 2005-01-14 14:23:13
Gump -- I KNEW it! You ARE cute! Young, but cute. I likes 'em young....
Gumphood - 2005-01-14 14:36:35
CLoudy, the pidgeon. I'm sorry. But its gotz to go.
krissie p - 2005-01-14 14:52:26
you manage to outdo yourself again... and thanks for depressing me by telling me it was friday... i was really looking forward to free wednesday night pool... i half way forgot i slept the last 2 days straight thru.
Samantha - 2005-01-14 15:10:41
I could help you with the forehead scar. I have laser eyes that can leave a noticeable mark wherever they're focused for a while.
GoingLoopy - 2005-01-14 16:02:19
If you were photoshopping anyway, why not add the scar and let people think you were really HP's doppelganger? Furthermore, I will go on record as stating that nothing ruins a perfectly good grilled cheese like some nasty dill pickle juice soaking into the bread, unless it's tomatoes.
laural - 2005-01-14 22:16:06
you are too cute. too cute. i tell you too cute! smiles. happy friday. Love L
Lu - 2005-01-15 12:36:41
Okay, yeah, you are cute. I dunno if too cute is possible, but cute anyway. I had to show my friend the pic of you as Harry Potter. You see, in high school we had a friend who looked so much like Harry Potter. We used to call him Harry. He got all annoyed. It was funny. Anyway, we said there was no one else who looked more like Harry Potter than this guy. So I gave my friend the link and it went something like this: Me: Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Her: HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!! He wins! You win, Gump. :)
vomitingcod - 2005-01-16 13:59:26
i think you are very very sexy
nikkinikki - 2005-01-16 15:43:00
Ummm... Hi. The only reason I even read your journal is because you look like Harry Potter. Duh.
Amber - 2005-01-16 16:50:27
Do you have any idea how many women have internet crushes on you? Seriously? You're one of those "one size fits all" type of guys. Women from all walks of life, all ages, shapes, sizes, and personalities think you're cute. If this were real life, between you and Phil, I bet that you guys would constantly be getting your ass kicked by men who are jealous of ya'll. But, you'd have the women to kiss your owies all better. There's two sides to everything, right? ;) :)
Danielle - 2005-01-17 20:52:21
For a minute, I was all, "Hey, when did you get new glasses?" And then I read the actual words that you actually wrote. So how are you?????

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