
Ginger - 2005-01-04 21:56:47
You're like the funniest thing I ever saw
Katie - 2005-01-05 02:09:43
I failed, like, hardcore yo. Your forgiveness, please.
Liquid HUman - 2005-01-05 11:03:23
Nice quiz. You are an interesting guy, Sir Gump. And I do miss hockey, but I think the NHL should fire everyone with huge salaries and hire some good kids off the farm teams and make the ticket prices affordable. The only time I go to games now is if my pickpocket daddy steals us some tickets. YEah!
Liquid HUman - 2005-01-05 11:05:33
Nice quiz. You are an interesting guy, Sir Gump. And I do miss hockey, but I think the NHL should fire everyone with huge salaries and hire some good kids off the farm teams and make the ticket prices affordable. The only time I go to games now is if my pickpocket daddy steals us some tickets. YEah!
Kelly - 2005-01-05 11:07:25
I failed miserably. who the hell are you?
Gumphood - 2005-01-05 12:15:34
I am the wind.
bethany - 2005-01-05 13:42:11
Um, I will be stealing this idea for a future entry... but I am not going to make it about me... so it will be different. but the same. chock-fulled of gumpy goodness.
krissie p - 2005-01-05 13:55:14
out of 20 questions i got 4 correct... thats way more than i would have gotten if i was taking a quiz about myself.
Gumphood - 2005-01-05 15:54:04
And that's 4 more than I got about mine.
Katie - 2005-01-05 16:08:13
I don't know WHY you didn't want my cookies. They were totally awesome. Ask around.
xquzme - 2005-01-05 19:51:50
Don't hate me because I'm Gumpgnorant! Really, we've just met. It doesn't mean I don't still think you are totally hot and I want to know everything about you, including your brand of toothpaste, favorite writing instrument, and whether you're prone to "tall-n-leggy" or "short-n-zeftig". Fun quiz -- I'm going to take it again and ace it.... dammit!
Erika - 2005-01-06 10:04:36
I should have scored an 80, but I second guessed some of my answers. Damn it. Didn't I learn in college to always go witth your first impulse.
Shelly - 2005-01-06 13:05:36
I made a Quiz for You on CLICK on the link below or PASTE it into your browser.

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