
kelly - 2004-12-30 13:41:40
I'm going to be fired, I'm crying from laughing and snotting up the place. you are an evil genius gump.
jes - 2004-12-30 13:45:58
One of those pictures better be worth rotating in. the ones you have now are so BORING. I want a train wreck or a picture of you giving a dolphin the old reach around or SOMETHING.
Gumphood - 2004-12-30 13:50:27
I could be alot funnier in the art department. I agree. I will try harder.
Gumphood - 2004-12-30 13:52:23
But you know what. I just love the Shag too much.
betty - 2004-12-30 14:12:35
Your third grade teacher must be 60 by now! Gross.
Gumphood - 2004-12-30 14:26:07
Old enough for dyalisis, old enough for me.
kelly - 2004-12-30 14:34:45
Hey Gump Happy New Year...long time no see... Don't get alcohol poisoning
cloudy - 2004-12-30 14:47:04
Neat-o Burrit-o
uNCLEUPUMPKIn - 2004-12-30 15:09:00
What are you doing tomorrow night anyway? Call me.
sharon - 2004-12-30 20:34:28
this made me laugh out loud: 23) Make the intern become the interred. bwahahahhahahahahahahahha. you should accidentally mess up kerbang's knee as well. teehee.
alyssa - 2004-12-31 00:06:26
i can be homeless *winkwink*
Kelly - 2004-12-31 10:35:29
Deny what year it is until march, then buy a shark. I could kill you gump. funniest ever. oh and change your name, fraudulent Kelly!
Anisettekiss - 2004-12-31 11:34:31
LOVED #13!! I'm stealing it.
candoor - 2005-01-01 15:24:48
if I make a resolution to read you more often, I'll probably not read you more often and since I want to read you more often, I won't (make a resolution)... I could try reverse psychology on myself, but I usually see through those sort of tricks... flagellation sometimes works, though I might start enjoying it too much and forget why I am beating myself up... so in the end, feeling foolishly neglectful (and selfishly missing out on something too good to miss), I mark a little territory with these few words and hope to follow my scent back to your hood sooner, rather than later... yea, and merry happy stuff too (cheesy grin)...
kerbang - 2005-01-01 16:06:24
a gay vanilla ice you mean.

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