
betchy - 2004-12-09 12:05:06
that has happened to me before. well not exactly the same, i did all my bit, then realsied there was no TP in my cubicle. so i went into the one next door with my butt hanging out. i wasnt worried about people coming in because i have no shame.
Procrasto - 2004-12-09 13:03:48
Oh my god. I though I was going to fall out of my chair laughing... I had a similar experience after a post-steak explosion, where I had to run into MacDonalds to save myself. It happened to be the most disgusting toilet in Canada - and without toilet role. I too had to do the ass-hangout while I relocated myself. And I nearly slipped on the piss-drenched floor. And made it ito the next stall (where thankfully there was enough single-ply razor wire to wipe the devastation that was my ass) with approx 0.0000001 seconds before the door opened and a herd of kids entered. I'm still laughing at "do the duck" though... you are a funny guy, Gump...
Gumphood - 2004-12-09 13:11:04
But there was only one stall. ONE STALL!!!!
cloudy - 2004-12-09 13:17:11
I have nightmares like that.
krissie p - 2004-12-09 13:35:48
well big g... that sucks but i think girls have it worse... i'll explain... you only depend on tp 1 out of every 5-6 trips to the bathroom... we need it all the time... i have... on multiple ocassions, knocked tp off the back of the toilet with an elbow (when dispensers are discheveled) and soaked the whole roll in toilet pee water... and im not sitting there comfortably thinking about what i am going to do next... im squatting and hoping the integrity of my chicken leg muscles dont give out... i do feel you pain... i have many more public bathroom stories but im not sure i want to embarass myself that much... maybe another day...
jes - 2004-12-09 18:00:26
oh my god, that is hilarious. ha. poor poor gump. xoxo -jes
Phil - 2004-12-09 22:15:20
Know the feeling mate. Asian countries have the squat toilet which is a glorified hole in the ground. You have to grab your ankles for support and balance yourself over the hole, or spreadeagle your arms to pin yourself against the walls. It's sort of a twister version of pooping. That's not the bad part though. THERE IS NO TOILET PAPER, ANYWHERE. Instead you are meant to use an arsehose which is the third world equivalent of a bidet. After you have finished your business, you have to try to aim the hose (sight unseen) at your bum while trying not to spray poopy water all over yourself. The proper way to use the hose is to splash water onto your left hand and use that to wipe your posterior but I can't do that. Eech. In short, learn to travel carrying Wet Ones. They're a life saver.
betty - 2004-12-09 23:09:14
I started carrying "wet ones" about the time I had a toddler that got really messy all the time. Never considered them for the use Phil suggested LOL. GUMP - I'm sorry about your arm :(. Two months?! Oy vay. Did they have to break it again?
rhi - 2004-12-10 15:32:50
Oh the never ending writing material for bathroom situations...hahahahaha
Stick Figure - 2004-12-10 16:12:11
kelly - 2004-12-10 18:37:02
Gumpy that might just be the funniest poop story ever. I just cant get the mission impossible theme out of my head from the other days entry regarding comics. Now the theme song is playing as you skulk, wide legged to get tp. even better! Sorry bout your arm though :(

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