
Biffcakes - 2004-12-07 10:27:24
Good luck! And Dilbert always makes me laugh (except when it doesn't). You always make me laugh (except when you don't). Usually people that don't listen and insist on being certain are afraid that they will not be certain and will be wrong. It's kind of sad.
Biffcakes - 2004-12-07 10:28:08
And think baked goods! They will nurse you back to health with lo~ve!
Lu - 2004-12-07 10:40:35
I'm sort of opposite of you, I guess. I've always loved debates, and conflicting opinions. To be honest, I get sorta tingly inside when someone has an opinion different than mine. Politics, however, I've never really cared about.I'm quite ignorant, actually, when it comes to politics. And political comics I just find boring. I love that you changed hers. I used to do that to a teacher I had in high school. But he was obsessive, and always noticed within two days.
betty - 2004-12-07 10:57:51
I hope your arm is okay! I'm also completely uninvolved with politics. Why do political people feel the need to isnult non-politcal people's intelligence? That had to have been a run on. Get a bumper sticker that insults politics. And then park right next to uber-political girl and see if she notices.
sharon - 2004-12-07 12:18:02
outside my cubicle, my coworkers put up any sort of newspaper articles that have my name on it....hence, i have two: "Sharon gets a setback in parliament" and "Crash dents hopes of Challenger Mayo." I don't have the balls to put up a comic and i think neither do the other coworkers here..they put up wipe boards with funny (albeit, tech geek) liners. P.S. You are wise in your infinite wisdom. Yes, i am never satisfied...i can be happy though. You rock.
kerbang - 2004-12-07 12:54:56
i suppose you office drones have to keep yourselves occupied somehow. how i weep for thee.
kerbang - 2004-12-07 12:56:14
p.s. the apolitical are not unintelligent, just unaware.
Gumphood - 2004-12-07 13:12:12
Not even unaware, just apathetic. I voted. That's that. There is not much else I can do to change opinions beyond marching or campainging, which until there is a candidate worth standing behind, I won't do. ( and when there is a candidate to stand behind I won't need to )
wondermart - 2004-12-07 14:32:49
I'm not interested in discussing politics either. I voted, for reasons I believe in, but I don't care for discussing them with other people because nobody ever has the exact same opinion about everything and it just leads to arguments. That, and I don't follow them well enough to keep up in conversation. But that's what people expect from lazy college students like me, so maybe it's not so bad.
Flamin' Libbie - 2004-12-07 15:14:46
If someone isn't into politics, that's cool. Plenty of other things to talk about. The only thing that bothers me is when people claim it as a point of pride that they didn't vote. There is such a thing as civic duty. Oh, and I won't date Republicans, either.
cloudy - 2004-12-07 15:40:43
Maybe sucks means great in your country. Good luck.
laural - 2004-12-07 18:36:27
kerbang - 2004-12-08 01:04:40
not to quibble, but i wouldn't call you apathetic (or unaware for that matter). but i also wouldn't say you are uninterested in politics. however, some people are aware of what takes place outside their circle of influence, some people aren't. the people that aren't are usually bored by talk of those events.
Kelly - 2004-12-08 09:17:22
Gump, that is funny! I dont think its weird at all, which means it surely is, but its just damn funny. I dont discuss politics either because of the personal factor. It usually ends up in an attack and if I wanted to talk to someone whose always right and tells me that I'm an idiot, I'll just call my mother. Oh and hows the arm, Taurus boy?

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