
Vicki - 2004-11-16 18:26:00
NOOooOoooo!!!! You've become a new addiction for me, don't leave now.... (um...oh yeah, hope your arm heals quickly and you don't have to deal with a cast and stuff for too long, and all that concerned stuff that people who aren't as self-centered as me are supposed to say)
betty - 2004-11-16 18:31:05
:( :( Poor gumpy! I'm sorry you are in pain. Or well....not in pain but pilled up !!! I will miss you. *sniffles*
kevin - 2004-11-16 18:40:26
Whats!? Oh my! I hope you are alright. MIx those painkillers with some alocohol and everything will be awesome. Get better soon or we will all go through withdrawal.
Ange - 2004-11-16 19:01:19
Oh Gump, I think I was expecting this, but I'm still disappointed. I think at this point, since you know it's broken, it's good that you can't really feel the pain. But uh, yeah, I'm sure we'll miss the gumpy updates.
AJ - 2004-11-16 19:24:54
Hey, sorry about your arm...but hey, enjoy the painkillers. I wish I were there; I'd give you a big hug right now (and then "borrow" some of those drugs, lol)
Ellen - 2004-11-16 21:36:48
Oh baby. No Gump for a while. How will I survive? How will you survive? I really hope your arm heals soon for your sake. *hugs and love*
wondermart - 2004-11-16 23:17:09
we'll miss you, gump.
Sandy - 2004-11-16 23:26:46
Um, yeah. Whatever. You type better when your arm is broken.
not-tuesday - 2004-11-17 00:05:12
We'll miss you, Gumpy
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2004-11-17 01:02:08
I can't believe you let Kerbang break your arm. What's next, Datch breaking your leg? You're pathetic.
Gumphood - 2004-11-17 01:14:36
Dude my arm is broken ..... OH SNAP
Carissa - 2004-11-17 01:40:24
we shall miss you muchly. now heal faster, arm!
Katie - 2004-11-17 08:46:19
Suck it up, you pansy. No pain but good bye for awhile. Pft! Think of the pill influenced writing! You could be the next Coolridge! (I cant' spell!) You could dictate to someone! You could MAKE THEM write FOR you. YOU BROKE MY ARM; YOU WRITE MY ENTRIES. But nooooo. You're getting casted and giving in. Bad form! You're out of the family!
Katie - 2004-11-17 08:46:52
If you didn't gather, this make me sad. Get better quickly. Damn it.
sarkasmo - 2004-11-17 09:47:43
whoa, good thing you found out about the broken arm, mr-macho-it-doesn't-hurt. i'm going back to nursing my hangnail. i might just call off today because of this fucker.
razor-vixen - 2004-11-17 10:05:07
Boo hoo! My life will be so dreary without the Gump. But feel better soon!
Sarah - 2004-11-17 10:43:25
Poor Gump. Feel better soon! Just think about all the sweet sweet painkillers. Mmmm, drugs. :)
cloudy - 2004-11-17 13:08:07
and the world wept...
Liquid Humanator - 2004-11-17 13:49:46
Heal up fast, Gump! Take lots of drugs while you can!
vomitingcod - 2004-11-17 14:29:14
i am so with unclepumpkin on're a gigantic pussy. Next thing you know you'll be holding your pinky out when you drink and doing fancy moves when you walk to the subway. oh, wait...
Pandionna - 2004-11-17 15:08:47
RATS! Poor Gump. Poor, poor Gump. (Poor, poor Gump who really should milk this experience for all it's worth among his friends.) Hugs and healing to you!
krissie p - 2004-11-17 16:03:18
hey monkey boy... hope the arm isnt as bad as a "broken arm" sounds... its not broken... its temporarily out of order. hope the fix it man makes a quick one of it and you'll be up to your antics in no time... im not saying good bye because you'll be where you always are. you should learn how to do things with your toes... it would be bad ass.
sarika - 2004-11-17 16:54:16
aww sweetie. all my love to your arm. let us know what happened and such. x
laural - 2004-11-17 17:30:30
hugs and love to you! get well soon.
Kelly - 2004-11-17 18:27:19
Not to jump on the Gumps a big pussy bandwagon but jump I will...You big Puss! I was able to update while blind. Blind for christs sake. I didnt have some girly plaster on my wrist, I had no eyes! That said, I hope its not terribly painful and remember youre never fully dressed without a smile.
bethany - 2004-11-18 13:37:06
What a bunch of selfish bastards we are. You take as much time as you need. But you know... out of sight... out of mind!
jes - 2004-11-18 17:44:48
how did you break it? counting cards in Vegas? Hammer to the DOME? Just curious... -jb

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