
Gumphood - 2004-10-13 23:56:01
Yankees Fan - 2004-10-13 23:57:31
Here we go again! Let's go Jeter -- here we go. Who's you daddy Asshole! I'll tell you who. THE YANKEES. AHAHAHAHAHA you little bitch. You are our little bitch.
Gumphood - 2004-10-13 23:58:58
Datchery - 2004-10-14 02:05:40
thank god for the patriots.
Todd - 2004-10-14 04:58:28
Ugh, wish I could offer my sympathies... but when your girlfriend is a hardcore Yankee fan and you like having the sexy time...
Jesus - 2004-10-14 10:43:44
Its okay Gump, God Loves everyone, just not the Red Sox. Sorry. Maybe if they all get a hair cut and Johnny Damon Stops being a false idol...maybe then I will allow them to reach base and perhaps lose in seven games.
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2004-10-14 11:05:50
I thought you weren't giving up.
Gumphood - 2004-10-14 11:41:08
I am watching. Its just my hopes been so smashed. It hurts. It just hurts.
Nadia - 2004-10-14 12:12:40
I feel your pain man.. The Sox are going to cause me to die prematurely. I can feel it already. Sigh. But you are right about the whole Ball Square thing. But think of it this way, at least it's not like Balls Square or Testicle Way or something. Thanks for leaving me a note. :-) GO SOX!
Katie - 2004-10-14 12:46:20
Haha. Those apples aren't all that developed. And, you know, while I was listening to the radio a couple of days ago and they announced that the Red Sox and the Yankees were going to have at it, I thought: "Gumpy must be creaming himself." Which, I suppose in a way, came to be true...No pun intended. Creepy internet hugs to you, sir!
gutterpoet - 2004-10-14 12:57:04
As a Braves fan I understand times 10. I turned down tickets to Game 5 vs. the Astros because I knew deep down inside they would become a big bowl suck come crunch time. And a big industrial sized bowl of suck they most certainly were Monday night. I still hate the Yankees but the bastards have a deal with the Devil or something and always pull it out.
Nicole - 2004-10-14 14:21:14
Ahhh, Gump. Thank you so much for that. First time I've laughed all day. Just so we're even... if I were at an exorcism the demon would be yelling to everyone about how I've masturbated to thoughts of those female vampires in the movie 'Bram Stoker's Dracula' ;) (But damn, who wouldn't? I'll even sit through Keanu's performance for a glimse at all that fangy goodness!) *hug* ~Nicole
laural - 2004-10-14 18:16:42
yes going insane is funny! heheehe. i loved this entry. more more! but i still hope the red sox win soon. hugs. laural
SecretStalker - 2004-11-15 22:41:35
Did you ever see the Rescue911 where the little kid's sweatshirt hood cut stuck in the escalator and he almost chocked to death?

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