
Katie - 2004-10-04 00:57:32
Damn you and your bringing up platonic forms so late at night. I will now leave haughtily and stamp my feet. (I still love you, though)
betty - 2004-10-04 01:37:21
gump. . philosophical to bizarrely hilarious in three seconds flat.
laural - 2004-10-04 03:57:26
wow. great questions. I think these have been asked since we as humans have had time to contemplate them (sometime after we could relax and store food for a time). The question of the baby's eyes for me is not hard. You are simply seeing the soul of the child when they are inside of him and when they are outside you are missing the soul. So what makes up the soul? the complete human? As far as the artist, they do see beauty in ways that we who are not artists do. They are trying to transpose the beauty they see to the canvas. Sometimes it hits and sometimes it misses (and it is different for each person). Interestingly, the Mona Lisa does nothing for me (though I have not seen it in person, I know it is just a small painting of a not so attractive woman) but give me a Monet Water lily painting and I can be moved to tears because I see the beauty of nature and can see the human-ness of the artist in it. The one-ness of the universe. Why is that? I think it has to do with past experiences coming into play. The conscience and unconscience pulling together to create the feeling of oneness. I have no idea if that makes sense to you but I enjoyed thinking of it. Goddess bless you. Laural
laural - 2004-10-04 04:07:01
sorry. had to add that art can be beautiful for both reasons: what we have never seen and seeing things we have seen but in a different way. And the hippo's anus? It could be beautiful if taken at an angle that you did not know what it was. You know, I am sure, that there is a certain universality in what we find beautiful as far as human faces go. It does have to do with symetry as you say. Babies react differently to people with perfectly symetrical faces than to those without. I think knowing what something is sometimes colors how we see it. I have been introduced to the artist joe coleman just recently. I love him but his art work makes me think more than it is beautiful...jeeps. I am going to stop. maybe we will talk about this on IM one day. I have to stop filling up your book. Hugs. Laural
Gumphood - 2004-10-04 08:35:30
Give Ansel Adams or Van Gogh all the time they want replicating a Hippo's anus. I promise you the best you will see is some sort of alien landscape.
razor-vixen - 2004-10-04 08:48:38
Good luck with those google hits! haha...."Brad Pitt's butt".
Nicole - 2004-10-04 09:39:19
Or even worse... "Brad Pitt Pooping" Oh yeah, the google hits are gonna roll, baby. I loved your entry on beauty. And I agree. Woodstock (my guinea pig) looks beautiful to me when she's sleeping on my lap. My little nephew, Dave, has those clear, blue eyes. The joy and wonder I see in them, the way they look when he giggles and smiles. True beauty. I think the old adage is true: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm not very impressed with the heroin-addict Calvin Klein models. But the curve of someone I love sleeping beside me makes me wish I could paint, just to be able to transfer their beauty onto canvas. Oh! And if you want to visit Universal just c'mon down to Florida! I'll get you and yours discount tickets to Halloween Horror Nights. :) Anytime, my Gump.
Liquid Human - 2004-10-04 12:16:50
Obviously you have never seen the original Mona Lisa - it was actually called the "Mona Lisas" for the hot naked lesbian action. What is a wheatnut?
sarika - 2004-10-04 13:20:52
i havent been in (much) trouble exactly. just as i hadnt updated in a while...
Hil - 2004-10-04 13:59:52
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". That's all there is to it really. Beauty doesn't really exist, it's just a matter of opinion. So everything is beautiful to someone, but nothing is beautiful to everyone.
razor-vixen - 2004-10-04 14:38:04
I drank approximately a whole 26er of rum. That's about 26 shots. Yarg. No puking though.
sharon - 2004-10-04 14:46:17
top two bands: 1. ezra 2. better than ezra in the words of better than ezra "Your pain makes you beautiful". Even when you're constipated. I love chicken.
Gumphood - 2004-10-04 16:07:32
I am thinking of a number between 6 and 7...can you guess what it is?
betty - 2004-10-04 21:54:01
Gumphood - 2004-10-04 23:31:40
I would love to twll you that you were right, but you aren't.
smart - 2004-10-05 00:41:27
6 and one half
smart - 2004-10-05 00:41:39
6 and one half
Kelli - 2004-10-05 01:17:40
Ha ... that makes me happy. :)
Cloudy - 2004-10-05 13:53:20
I know not of what you speak
vomitingcod - 2004-10-12 15:33:31
as a philosopher, i can state with authority that brad pitt pooping is, in fact, beautiful. Sorry, dude, but you got that one wrong.
vomitingcod - 2004-10-12 15:34:20
as a philosopher, i can state with authority that brad pitt doesn't poop. I mean, come on. It would be like T-bone pooping. She didn't poop. She just farted perfume and emitted small, pink pellets every now and then.

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