
not-tuesday - 2004-09-21 14:41:27
That's deep, Gumpy.
Gumphood - 2004-09-21 14:56:29
My love for that comment is fading
Ellen - 2004-09-21 16:28:58
Some say, "Love is blind." I go by this, though: If my friends don't like my significant other, then I'm obviously blind to something. I also believe that who a person is can change everything. If someone doesn't have the personality, the package is a waste. I think people fall out of love because "the personality" changes.

"It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart."
onewetleg - 2004-09-21 18:21:22
gump, darling? may i please have the password for your private entries. the teasing is driving me insane, you, you... teaser, you!
jen - 2004-09-22 10:16:57
Love is more than a feeling, its a decision to commit to someone, despite flaws in character, or hard situations. Oftentimes, Falling out of love is a lie. Alot of times, it is an excuse to give up and move onto something "better".
Gumphood - 2004-09-22 10:23:29
Love isn't work. Relationships are. No one wants to NOT be in love really. People want to not be in relationships. You are combining to many ideas here. Giving up on a relationship deals with love but other things too. Falling out of love is quiet possible. You have to if someone you love dumps you.
jen - 2004-09-22 12:33:09
Possibly, but i've heard that phrase used way too much in conjunction with people simply not wanting to push thru hard things. i feel like our society seems to favor throw away relationships. We live in a fast food, it has to be convenient society. When its not convenient, then just move on. I guess i feel like life is the richest when you can endure hard things with people that you have decided to walk thru life with, that being marraige, or even just friendships.
cloudy - 2004-09-22 13:00:36
Love is a tree
Gumphood - 2004-09-22 13:16:30
I agree that people dispose of realtionships much faster in this day and age, but thats not to say they wouldn't have in the past, it was just shunned. I don't think people like commitment and alot of people aren't built for it. Maybe they aren't built to love? But I think an important point to remember is diffrent people love diffrent things, and there is no universal love. What I mean is there is no absolutle love (like to say we all don't love Regis Filman. You all don't love me. We all don't love nature) so there is no universal love constant, so I think its important to examine what most people take for granted.
kelly - 2004-09-22 13:57:57
But I do love you Gump. Universally. This is a topic that could drive a person crazy. I keep typing things then backspacing. Piss, I just did it again. I give up.
razor-vixen - 2004-09-22 14:12:34
I've definately been with someone moreso just to be in a relationship, than to be with them. But I think most great relationships aren't like that. RE books: I've been reading a lot of "chick lit" lately, like My Fake Wedding and Blur. Nothing deep. Can't say I've read anything lately that's been super fantastic.
Gumphood - 2004-09-22 14:35:13
"most great relationships" well, how many great relationships can one have in a life time? One? Three? None? If they are common then are they great? Is they are rare, then can't we say some people may never be in love?
bethany - 2004-09-22 14:39:07
i am a big fan of THE PACKAGE. okthanksbye!
sharon - 2004-09-22 14:44:08
well, i'm scared of love and relationships even though i like the idea. does that make me a whore? i love you gump but i don't want a relationship with you. hehe.
Purty - 2004-09-22 14:51:59
I luv ya GUMPY!!!
Gumphood - 2004-09-22 14:52:15
Oh god
vomitingcod - 2004-09-22 15:09:22
you're like a retarded socrates
Gumphood - 2004-09-22 15:17:55
Who the hell is Socrates? hhhahaha
razor-vixen - 2004-09-22 15:22:35
I didn't really mean "great relationships" in relation to one person. I more meant in general, the people you see who are in a happy, fulfilling relationship actually like each other. I think a person is lucky to get ONE great relationship in their lifetime. As for the dress, the strapless was a little difficult to get used to, mostly because the seamstress did all of our pretty tight around the bust so we wouldn't pop out. Took some getting used to!
kelly - 2004-09-22 16:38:08
I think that when you see the perfect happy fulfilled couple, chances are that they really hate each other, one is sleeping on the couch and the other is stupping the neighbors dog. I dont think anyone can fulfill anyone else. the only person you can fulfill is yourself. Most people cant do that with out the help of outside aids, including another person. which in my stupid opinion is why so many relationships fail. If youre already a complete person on your own, then a relationship is just an added bonus. You can enjoy being with someone with out being all bogged down with what ifs, expectations, and negatives. See now why I backspace?
betty - 2004-09-22 17:26:49
I'm madly in love with you gump. And you Kel. um and rainbows. And my cat. Okay, serious. I think its the core of the person. The looks, the talents, the voice, the ideas, they all change with time. Everything changes, shifts, but then - so does what you love. You don't love purple sparkly ponies like you did when you were five (and admit it, you did when you were five, gump), so what you love obviously changes - as well as the physical aspects of the very thing that you rae in love with. did that make any sense??
kelly - 2004-09-22 17:41:00
I.LOVE..Purple sparkly ponies, sammitches with balogna, jager but not bud and AND TWINS. and Sorry. ok so not really, but I felt it necessary.
betty - 2004-09-22 18:55:21
*sniffles* Kel and Gump don't love me. Man these comments are getting stranger and stranger.
carla - 2004-09-22 22:56:06
Awesome entry. You're a great writer. Who cares whether or not you can spell. Certainly not me.
carla - 2004-09-22 22:56:11
Awesome entry. You're a great writer. Who cares whether or not you can spell. Certainly not me.
Gumphood - 2004-09-23 08:43:19
Strange is love. Or is it "Love is Strange" Who cares.

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