
Kristina - 2004-08-31 09:29:30
It's weird but the first things I would probably buy would be a cd or a book, I think I'd feel lost without those things.
betty - 2004-08-31 10:14:53
Underwear. People, out of the kindness of their heart, usually donate many things to people in that situation. That is one thing I wouldn't want donated to me.
alyssa - 2004-08-31 10:45:52
a plane ticket. out of north carolina.
wondermart - 2004-08-31 11:26:09
A used laptop. Then use it to buy anything else.
Kat - 2004-08-31 11:35:45
Probably the necessities...Food, Clothing.
aliop33 - 2004-08-31 12:49:12
Pandionna - 2004-08-31 12:52:28
I'm with Betty. Underwear. But I'd also buy booze. Losing "everything" would mean losing the fids, too, and I don't think I could handle that very well. Now I want to go home and play with them. :::weepy:::
Hil - 2004-08-31 13:11:02
A room in a hotel, I guess. Food and clothing. But REALLY I would by a stereo & CDs!!!!
tunefultuna - 2004-08-31 13:18:03
I'd do the clothing thing. It would be kind of embarassing to wear the same thing over and over again.
jes - 2004-08-31 13:34:43
my shark tooth necklace. Probably. and my moleskine journal. and a pen. and a bed. but not in that order.
Cookie - 2004-08-31 13:42:24
A toothbrush and toothpaste, and then underwear. Good hygiene is important, even in a time of tragedy!
thecape - 2004-08-31 15:24:43
ummmm a toothbrush & toothpaste
tunefultuna - 2004-08-31 16:28:14
Haha. . . that's true. I'd still get more clothes first. Then a car.
Kelly - 2004-08-31 18:23:20
A bag of marshmallows. but only if the house was still hot enough. It would just be a waste otherwise.
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2004-09-01 08:44:56
I would buy salsa dancing lessons.

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