
procrasto - 2004-08-16 09:34:45
A story with bats and dumping and girly man form? Thanks man - you started my day off with a seriously good chuckle.
Ellen - 2004-08-16 10:06:32
Oh. My. God. I busted out laughin' with this one. I've been in your shoes before, and woah. You're a funny man!
smokeybone - 2004-08-16 10:17:28
Gumphood's back with a vengence! Great story man. Made me laugh out loud.
aliop33 - 2004-08-16 10:34:09
Bats? In the house? man, they better check the attic (if they have one). sounds like you had an interesting weekend as usual. Batman and his trusty sidekick Batboy even came to visit you!
jes - 2004-08-16 11:18:30
hahahahah. oh my god. thats an awesome story. kerbang is my hero.
Erika - 2004-08-16 11:55:19
I'm praying someone had a camera . . .
not-tuesday - 2004-08-16 12:06:34
How did bats get in the house?
Gumphood - 2004-08-16 13:24:25
No camera, and no idea how they got in.
Paige - 2004-08-16 16:43:47
You know, I was chuckling as I read "something furry", because I thought you were going to say it was just a big spider, and that you were afraid. And I was going to laugh and laugh and laugh. But it was a BAT?? The hell? Dude, that's just creepy.
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2004-08-16 17:13:19
I love bats. I'm glad you didn't try to kill it. I would have fucked you up.
laural - 2004-08-16 17:26:00
Darling, bats are our friends...really. I think you are back motherfucker. I havent laughed like that at one of your entry's sense...oh it was the ann coulter entry. smiles. Love Laural
thecape - 2004-08-17 16:40:52
bats are really gross. one time a bird got into my house and it took us two days to get it out. i feel for you
ex-angeleyes - 2004-08-18 02:15:01
That was damn funny! Wish I had your life, at least it sounds interesting!!!

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