
Cookie - 2004-07-23 10:05:47
Aw, great entry. It's so hard to deal with the loss of a pet. People who don't have them just can't understand why. I'm sure she's somewhere in kitty heaven right now. God, that last sentence sounded very... cheese. Sorry. But you get the point. Anyway, I hope you have a good weekend despite this!!
razor-vixen - 2004-07-23 10:11:54
I'm so sorry about your pet. It's so hard. We almost lost my brother's dog a month ago (she ate a bottle of Advil) and THAT was hard...I couldn't imagine no more pug love! I guess there is still the possibility that she could come back? If not, I hope she's at peace.
Ange - 2004-07-23 10:14:03
I'm sorry about your cat. But your entry was beautiful. *tears*
Ellen - 2004-07-23 10:27:01
*tears* I'm so sorry, love.
Matt - 2004-07-23 10:37:43
I am so sorry for you loss. I pray that you find her.
Erika - 2004-07-23 11:06:38
I'm so sorry Gump. Losing a pet, physically or by death, is never easy.
sarkasmo - 2004-07-23 11:09:30
Your post makes me remember the various times I've lost pets (mostly cats) over the years. It's been said that some cats know when their time has come, and this is what they do when it's time to die. It's part of the "cats have 9 lives" story. Your cat is waiting for you, and you'll find her someday. If it helps, think of it this way: she cares about you and your family so much that she didn't want you to see her in pain or sick from old age. She misses you, too, wherever she is.
jes - 2004-07-23 11:24:46
jesus gump, I'm sorry dude. And I will have a rough time voting for bush this year. Green or Libertarian perhaps...
jessica - 2004-07-23 12:25:51
Hey, I know how you feel, I lost my dog a while back and I grew up with was a few months ago and I still cry if I think or talk about him.
betty - 2004-07-23 12:45:28
I'm so sorry gump :(. It's so hard to lose a pet. It's not like when you lose a person and you get good-bye words. And pets never do anything to hurt your feelings. I'm so sorry she's gone :(.
Nessa - 2004-07-23 13:39:37
Aww, it sucks realy bad to lose a pet. I really havent been thru it, but I feel your pain.
Pandionna - 2004-07-23 14:13:11
So sorry, Gump. I wish I could make her come back for you. Many hugs.
Erin - 2004-07-23 14:26:37
I'm sorry your kitty is gone.
kevin - 2004-07-23 14:29:51
Man I was going to try and be funny, but I can't now, that story was sad. I am sorry, its one of the worst feeling sin the world.
Lisa - 2004-07-23 15:39:58
aww Gump I'm so sorry to hear that. :(
awittykitty - 2004-07-23 15:47:43
Cats (sorry I'm prejudice, being a cat person) give the best kind of love... unconditional. I like them so much more than humans. They don't disappoint you. Sorry for your loss. ^..^
laural - 2004-07-23 17:12:18
love you. so sorry. L
Kelly - 2004-07-23 17:52:05
Wendy - 2004-07-23 23:59:55
My condolences to you on the loss of your cat. She is, and will forever be, in your heart.
onewetleg - 2004-07-26 00:53:57
best entry ever. sorry about your kitty. we had a cat that was gone for two weeks and he came back. did i already tell you that? love,
Kathy - 2004-07-26 06:49:36
Oh no, thats horrible, I am so sorry. xoxox
bethany - 2004-07-26 12:54:30
so touching. i am sad now. i am so sorry. can you please write me at [email protected]. i have a couple of questions to ask you about boston, i have a friend who is moving there.
vomitingcod - 2004-07-27 12:28:03
gump, call me--ASAP.
Paige - 2004-08-12 18:58:07
I'm so sorry, Gump

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