
Cookie - 2004-07-08 08:31:32
Yeah, if you have any leftovers, please find my parents (who are in Boston right now) and let them take some home to me. God, I love food. I'm starting to get really scared, you know.
aliop33 - 2004-07-08 08:50:01
um. Motor Oil? Please tell me it ain't so. Don't they have lighter fluid in Guam, or wherever you said?!
Gumphood - 2004-07-08 09:05:27
They use lighter fluid too. It's that motor oil burns really really hot.
betty - 2004-07-08 09:32:10
Oh my, poonani? Is that what you do when your girlfriends not around?? LOL.
purplecigar - 2004-07-08 09:43:28
Coconut. YO. mmmm. Delicious. Oh, and Please Come To Boston rocks the house. Hee.
angel - 2004-07-08 10:44:43
congrats you have just met an angel ;) that sounds interesting [recipe] not sure about the motor oil though

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