
betty - 2004-07-06 08:41:04
It all sounds like fun except the puking in your closet. ewwww.
Gumphood - 2004-07-06 08:57:33
Sorry. My closet has a toilet. I didn't puke.
Sharon's remnants - 2004-07-06 09:52:34
This spotty woman is going to be eaten...FOREVER!! Bwahahahhahahahaha. I'm having a bad hair day. And I'm eating raisins. This is going to be a weird week.
purplecigar - 2004-07-06 10:21:24
I'd like to see photos of the legs and I'd like a bit more info on the Yothers date...!
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2004-07-06 10:35:51
Remember "Island style?" Phil rules.
laural - 2004-07-06 12:49:33
mmmm sleep. L
bethany - 2004-07-06 12:51:34
brian bonsall doesn't appreciate you macking on his sister. actuall tina is pretty hot now. look her up.
bethany - 2004-07-06 13:04:40
in my archives there were lots of funny d-land comments, so i wanted them to still appear on my page even after halo scan took over.
thecape - 2004-07-06 14:52:27
no girlfriend?
betty - 2004-07-06 15:01:03
oops hee hee. sorry bout the mixup
vomitingcod - 2004-07-06 15:22:27
i hope that you are planning on playing lots of warcraft with me.
tina yothers - 2004-07-07 01:25:41
how dare you say you had a date with me! i learned a lot playing that role as tonya harding in that made for comedy central short movie and i will call someone to come over and make sure you don't do something like this ever again. i am tina yothers! feel my rage!!

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