
April - 2004-07-01 09:14:08
Dude, everybody knows that a "threequel" is the proper cinematic term for a three-part series. Anyone who uses the word "triolgy" is an old skool Trekkie.
kevin - 2004-07-01 09:21:18
Did he really say, "I think he's going to go in there and find stuff. Ha Right AgaiN!" If so that was one of the funniest things I have heard this morning, I laughed out loud. Thats right up there woth, "Spiderman should get that villain." Oh man what an idiot.
Gumphood - 2004-07-01 09:44:47
I refuse to believe, until one of my film friends tells me, that threequel is a term
aliop33 - 2004-07-01 09:45:31
I guess you won't be going back to that theater anytime soon! I can't believe he sat right next to you, I think I would have moved.
Emily - 2004-07-01 09:49:50
I would have strangled that guy! I can't stand people like that. At the movies last week there was a couple that let their kids run around the theater screaming thoughout the entire movie. I just don't understand the utter stupidity of some people.
purplecigar - 2004-07-01 09:53:03
You should've broken out "I can't believe they are going to have to fumigate this theatre for ringworm. Man, I wouldn't be caught dead in here bare footed." or "I really wish I would've thought to get an extra cup for my dip spit, now I'll just have to use the floor." What a TOOL.
sharon - 2004-07-01 10:06:18
Wow, i think i would've gotten up and demanded my money back.
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2004-07-01 10:31:42
you made this up. I saw it last night too. It was pretty good. I was more excited about the first one though. And less drunk.
Kat - 2004-07-01 10:40:41
In situations like that, I'm just the sort of caustic bitch to tell the guy exactly what I thought of him. Sure he may beat me up, but I'd have the last laugh when the ushers took him away. Er. Or something like that. I'm too direct for my own good.
Pandionna - 2004-07-01 10:46:22
Because misery loves company...
Lisa - 2004-07-01 10:46:29
That sounds fuckin' terrible!
betty - 2004-07-01 11:33:53
Oh wow I would've told them all to shutthe hell up and sit down. messing with my spiderman time would've been bad for them.
jes - 2004-07-01 11:57:53
I saw it toooooo! Bruce Campbell was so fucking awesome. God damn.
jes - 2004-07-01 11:59:15
and that guy whith the sam rAMMY comment needs to have an ear of corn shoved up his pee hole.
Jessica - 2004-07-01 15:40:08
I went to go see Harry Potter a 2 weeks ago and these girls were up a few rows behind my date and I laughing and giggling. I was gonna tolerate it until they started mocking everything the people were saying on screen so I told them to shut the fuck up. When we were leaving some mom was with them, apparently they were only like 13 (i couldn't tell, in the dark there is no age, only anger.) She looked at me and she goes, "well, some people are rude." So I looked at her and said, "well, some people can't raise their children." I love me.
Jessica - 2004-07-01 15:40:36
I went to go see Harry Potter a 2 weeks ago and these girls were up a few rows behind my date and I laughing and giggling. I was gonna tolerate it until they started mocking everything the people were saying on screen so I told them to shut the fuck up. When we were leaving some mom was with them, apparently they were only like 13 (i couldn't tell, in the dark there is no age, only anger.) She looked at me and she goes, "well, some people are rude." So I looked at her and said, "well, some people can't raise their children." I love me.
Jessica - 2004-07-01 15:58:40
I went to go see Harry Potter a 2 weeks ago and these girls were up a few rows behind my date and I laughing and giggling. I was gonna tolerate it until they started mocking everything the people were saying on screen so I told them to shut the fuck up. When we were leaving some mom was with them, apparently they were only like 13 (i couldn't tell, in the dark there is no age, only anger.) She looked at me and she goes, "well, some people are rude." So I looked at her and said, "well, some people can't raise their children." I love me.
kerbang - 2004-07-01 16:04:21
i disagree with unclepumpkin. i think you only made half of it up.
sharon - 2004-07-01 16:54:00
I think that girl jessica went to see harry potter.
Gumphood - 2004-07-01 17:11:05
I think she made it up
Leftunspoken - 2004-07-01 17:21:34
I don't care how pretty someone is, stupid people make me want to stick sharp things in my ears. Sorry darlin'!
Katie - 2004-07-01 17:23:02
That's when you start stretching and stratching and making a big to-do about your herpes. Gets them every time.
laural - 2004-07-01 17:30:17
thank you. that was funny. i don't care if you made it up or not. i needed to laugh today. L
Ellen - 2004-07-01 17:48:26
Thank goodness I went during the day. You had a worse experience than I, well, actually ever had. If I had went at night, we could have shared war stories.
wilberteets - 2004-07-01 21:23:06
I wonder if he leached out any of your IQ points while he was sitting there in such close proximity. hehe
Erin - 2004-07-02 01:05:57
Idiots are funny!
razor-vixen - 2004-07-02 09:24:45
You are too brave, going opening night. YOu have to deal with idiots like these, & crowds, & loud I would have complained & got my money back! That's why I like to wait a few days to see big movies like this. Will you see it again? You probably missed some stuff.
J3ff00 - 2004-07-02 12:09:32
Shit, you think you got it bad? Try living in a town full of them....Punisher, Van Helsing, every movie I go to now is full of people like, I'm not saying they're as bad as yours, just letting you know that I sympathis.
ZuL - 2004-07-03 14:34:45
Oh god, I would've killed that guy. That is, if he was real and you didn't make it all up. :P Spider-Man 2 rawked!!!
elgan - 2004-07-09 11:31:11
That is a brilliant entry, man. The seat mate from hell!

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