
Lips - 2004-06-23 08:41:47
I love you, and I love zombies. <3
sarika - 2004-06-23 08:52:37
I also love you, but i don't love zombies. I squeezed vicki's hand all the way through Shaun of the Dead. And that was supposed to be funny. But they just kept coming. It was like argh! x
sarika - 2004-06-23 09:23:56
all scary things that get you. Especially where the suprise element is involved. Especially when its on a fecking huge big screen. Especially also when there are big noises that accompany the big screen. I am useless. I always need someones shoulder to hide behind...and thats why i dont "do" scary films as such... x
Katie - 2004-06-23 09:26:01
Dude, did you ever see the made for TV movie Night of the Living Dead (it wasn't a remake or anything, it was just for TV...right) where they found out that the zombies' weakness was electricity and the surviving people all got into a van, and then threw out cow brains from the back of said van to make a zombie trail all the way to the plant? Then the kid falls out and gets eaten...Did you? Yeah, good times. (By the way, I have a reoccurring dream with zombies in it. It's weird.)
razor-vixen - 2004-06-23 09:32:28
Oh my gosh...I am printing this off & putting it on the fridge so when those damn zombies come, I will be ready!!! I think I have also learned a thing or two from the Resident Evil games. Who knew they were actually a learning tool?
Gumphood - 2004-06-23 09:51:32
No I have actually never seem many zombie movies. I mean no 28 days later, no Dawn of Dead, No Day of Dead, no night of fact the closest was probably end of days.
Ellen - 2004-06-23 09:56:59
Mm hmm. I love you, too.
betty - 2004-06-23 10:06:41
I want Zombies to attack so much I can taste it.
sharon - 2004-06-23 10:27:41
my favorite phase, of course, is phase 5. what if the only girls are left are me and Govinda? and the only boys left are you, john and kevin? hehe
Kat - 2004-06-23 10:30:56
Hehe. This is like your own personal Buffy-less universe.
kerbang - 2004-06-23 11:25:53
I think Ready had the right idea though. I would get on the highway and drive to the middle of nowhere. There'd be a lot less Zombies there. Our house is in a too populated area to survive the Zombie Apocalypse.
jes - 2004-06-23 11:35:49
gump. This is my favorite entry of all time ever. totally. you rock. it rocks. we all rock. good god this is awesome.
kerbang - 2004-06-23 12:22:21
how would we populate if it's just you and me gump?
Gumphood - 2004-06-23 12:22:54
As an update to what Kerbang said...I agree. You want to be isolated. But that is where the first night of the living dead took place. And you were would need a truck. And that truck should have a cow catcher. That's a must.
purplecigar - 2004-06-23 12:27:10
Always remember the attic. Good advice.
Gumphood - 2004-06-23 12:28:50
Dude...the're dead meat! I am thinking a yatch out on the open sea, with finishing poles and lots of girls to makea the babies with. So unless shamoo gets bit by a zombie...I think we will be okay.
jessica - 2004-06-23 13:56:24
Haha, very nice. Hilarious. Reminded me of something I read once: Hurray for Zombie protection hints and tips. There needs to be a book. Surviving Zombies for Dummies.
ZuL - 2004-06-23 14:27:56
But of course you guys are going under the impression of hollywood-made zombies. What if "real zombies" are actually limber, silent and have IQs of 190? ^^
Vanessa - 2004-06-23 14:58:24
This entry rox. Yacht sounds good, but I guess you might just end up having to stay there forever, and making a whole new world on the water. Cuz something is gonna happen and the rest of the world will be zombies or scared shitless running away from them when they have no place to go. I wonder if there would ever be a cure from the zombieness?
Leah - 2004-06-23 15:06:06
Those damn beagle eating zombies!
AJ - 2004-06-23 15:26:17
Wow...that was way more informative than Resident Evil.
erin - 2004-06-23 16:07:04
you are the coolest person in the history of cool people
Poison - 2004-06-23 16:13:48
gumphood is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.

Gumphood - 2004-06-23 16:14:45
Type gumphood into that thing above me.
Google-Man - 2004-06-23 16:19:25
Google is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.
Google-Man - 2004-06-23 16:19:51
AJ - 2004-06-23 16:30:24
Hey, do you think I'd survive? And if you do, then could I come live with you guys? ;)
UnclepumpkiN - 2004-06-23 18:19:07
Why does everyone keep professing their love to you because of an entry about zombies? Is this some weird Necrophilia thing? If it is, I want in.
laural - 2004-06-23 18:36:49
i must profess my love for you too, Gump. It is not because you wrote about zombies per se it is because you made me smile and laugh and think about having lots of sex...i did not choose to think of the repopulating part but the sex...that was nice. Love Laural
jessica(a different one) - 2004-06-24 21:56:01
Funny, but it sounds a lot like this crappy movie...28 Days Later...especially the part about sex.
jess - 2005-10-21 11:52:31
this is ingenious! have you read the zombie survival guide sold in any barnes & noble or border's? it is equally as good as this!!! and YES, i am a HUGE zombie fan! thanks for linking me! xoxo - me
ZACK~~~~~ - 2006-08-20 01:29:14
wow holy sh*t i dont think most girls would be in the mood to fuck after they have seen people have their intestines torn and out strangled with them...would you? o_O

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