
Erika - 2004-06-17 12:57:34
Sometimes I think we need to trust our heart rather than our mind. Sometimes I think we know too much.
sharon - 2004-06-17 13:19:29
you have gotten out of control.
sarika - 2004-06-17 14:41:42
one of the best I've read from you in a while. keep on doing whatever it is you do x
jes - 2004-06-17 14:50:38
was reason man made?
betty - 2004-06-17 15:02:03
I feel that the only thing anyone can ever believe in is makind itself. We see it, touch it, feel it. We make our decisions that affect our lives, choose the paths we go on. We are the controllers of our destiny.
betty - 2004-06-17 15:03:04
I feel that the only thing anyone can ever believe in is mankind itself. We see it, touch it, feel it. We make our decisions that affect our lives, choose the paths we go on. We are the controllers of our destiny.
Samantha - 2004-06-17 15:47:54
You seem to be suffocating under the weight of your own doubts. Open your lungs to the air of the East. Do not feel alone, for your subconcious mind is linked to humanity through the universal mind. The true God is a human personification of the sum of all universal energy. You were created using this energy, you contain it within. It has made you who you are. To find God you need not look any farther than inside yourself. We are all part of this beautiful universe, matter and energy. We will always be part of the Same Thing.
laural - 2004-06-17 17:06:31
I feel you totally. If you wish we will talk about this subject. I care for you and hope that you find relief and happiness in whatever you choose to believe. L
StarDustCboy - 2004-06-17 18:57:59
"the proof is in the pudding" think about the complexity of our nervous systems, our circulitory systems, our overall biology. think then how this has its place here on earth. think then how earth has its place in the solar system. how our solar system has its place in the galaxy. how the galaxy has its place in the cosmos... systems within systems within systems. how can there be a doubt to this marvel of mathmatical engineering? remember that we are merely atomies upon a tiny lil marvel on the outer edge of the spiral arm of the milky way galaxy. what we know is merely from our very limited terrestrial viewpoint. intuitively we know that there must be SOMETHING, we ascribe to it a name...God, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, etc. we ascribe to it altogether HUMAN characteristics...characteristics that are coherent to what we see and know...yet these characteristics are but an infintescimal fraction of what it REALLY is. a force? a being? does it really matter in the end? if it (whatever you choose to name It) is truly omnipresent/omniscient/infinite, then what it truly is is unfathomable in its entirety. yet there it stands, all around you, at all times. the purpose? that then is the second question, yes? perhaps the answer is as elegant as it is simple. because. it is an abstraction, a conundrum, a paradox. it is a mathmatic that continually attempts to find a finite solution to pi. yet pi has no finite solution. it is not the solution, it is the seeking of the solution that gives it meaning. just as the seeking in your life gives you meaning. if there was no meaning, or the meaning was evident, then what is the purpose of seeking? what then is the purpose of being? there would be no choice, no consequence, no action and opposite reaction. all would be static and unmoving. therein lies the answer, and moreover, therein lies the fragment of divinity. i am no holy man. i am no prophet or shaman. but i can tell you now that whatever It may be, it is always with you. it lies in the pit of yourself, it is actualized THROUGH you, through me, through all the matter and energy in the cosmos. i will leave you with this... "you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars...and whether or not it is clear to doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." ~ Desederata yours ~B-)
sammybob24 - 2004-06-17 19:47:51
I believe in God because I like the way I feel when I do. I have had my doubts before too, but I seem to keep on comming back to the idea that He does exist. I am also content not to know for sure how he exsists; if I had to guess, though, I would say He is in my heart. I am, by no means, an overly-religious person, but my faith is just about being a good person, however you want to do it. So if this means that you doubt God's physical/emotional/psychological existence, then let it be. Just don't beat yourself up about it.
Kristina - 2004-06-17 21:19:10
Well, I have to agree with stardustcboy there, what a brilliant answer. I think the main thing is that you not be influenced to make a decision for yourself that is even concerned with whether or not your friends and family will love and accept you for it (or not). The only way you will be any kind of friend or relative or person for that matter is if you are comfortable with the choices that you have made for yourself. You choose the beliefs that are right for you. You take it all in and make an informed decision. That's all you can do. And any decision made that way is infintely better than following any religion blindly.
vomiting cod - 2004-06-17 23:18:08
My thoughts on the hoary and grand topic of religion are summarized in the following ditty, which I know that you know: 'If you believe in magic, and i hope you do, wearing big red shoes and eating caribous--do you believe in magic?' I don't believe in magic, and I hope you don't, either.
C.W - 2004-06-18 09:12:42
Don't Give Up Your Search.
jen - 2004-06-18 11:20:02
God is not in everything. But He can be found when you seek Him whole heartedly. To believe that we can live this life on own strength and on our own terms is a deception. To live our lives just for ourselves is also a deception. The truth is we were meant for something more. Keep searching...
Emily - 2004-06-18 11:40:11
Very well said. I feel very similarly and it is very hard to put those feelings into words and I think you did a wonderful job.

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