
sarika - 2004-06-03 08:39:02
that's nice dear. x
Gumphood - 2004-06-03 08:49:02
I have no excuse for this one
purplecigar - 2004-06-03 09:48:11
I sure wish you'd stop dogging my writing, dude.
uNCLEPUMPKIn - 2004-06-03 09:59:52
wow...I think this may be the beginning of the end of the Gump.
razor-vixen - 2004-06-03 10:01:27
Was that last one your point? If so it flew right by me! You crazy!
Ellen - 2004-06-03 11:11:07
you're fun!
Erika - 2004-06-03 11:13:44
Oh Gump, you amuse me to no end.
jes - 2004-06-03 11:44:16
i make sure to kick my readers off the team before insulting them. 'tis ok, i didn't want them reading anyway.!
aliop33 - 2004-06-03 12:06:31
zerphots - what is this? i find it insulting. what do you think i'm "dum" er someting? oh wate, i is dum!
sanetwin - 2004-06-03 12:20:00
Not all of us have your natural wit and charm, Gump. We have to make it in diaryland by insulting everyone/and/or attempting to be funny.
Gumphood - 2004-06-03 12:53:01
It's true. I'm insulted.
zerphots - 2004-06-03 14:05:49
This will google me - DOWN WITH GOOGLE

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