
Danielle - 2004-05-28 16:20:13
You know what The Price is Right needs? More cowbell.
candoor - 2004-05-28 16:58:55
gummy - 2004-05-28 17:00:21
I think candoor was still laughing at the last entry.
thecape - 2004-05-28 18:12:36
well you are right, when I am home sick the price is right is what's on tv
sharon - 2004-05-28 18:22:05
y'know, my friend was on the price is right. She won furniture. I was supposed to go but alas, i had to do stuff, like sleep.
Liquid Human - 2004-05-28 21:19:30
My sister hearts the Price is Right. She, as well, would literally die to play plinko because she sucks at all the other games because they're played in American Dollars. Boo.
Ellen - 2004-05-28 23:39:56
lovin' it. ;)
stephanie renner - 2004-05-29 01:37:51
hehe i love you <333
s-u-s-u - 2004-05-29 07:05:00
Price is Right has been one of my all time favorite programs since first grade, sick or not. We even had it for a while over here. Staying home sick with fever and watching Bob Barker was the best.
vomitingcod - 2004-05-29 10:07:55
dude, this was really funny. Whenever you write a really funny entry, an angel gets his wings
Pandionna - 2004-05-29 10:14:55
That was great! Except now I'm going to hear the theme song in my head all day. ;-)
onewetleg - 2004-05-29 18:58:14
definitely on par with this one. i mean on bar with a drink. i mean. i don't know what i mean. it comes on at ten here in my neck of the woods. the shit has been on about as long as i have been alive. and that's a long time. when bob barker dies, i am going to have a price is right party. you can come as one of barker's beauties, a gramma or a military guy. i will be dressed as bob. any one else who dresses as bob will be ejected forcibly into the street by people dressed as millitary personell. oh, shit, my laundry, i completely forgot!!! got to go.
wondermart - 2004-05-29 22:11:07
Linux, diet coke, and the Price is Right are my top three reasons for being alive right now. Good for you.
dianna - 2004-05-31 04:39:44
I just think it's creepy how he orders you to have your pet neutred or spayed EVERY single SHOW!
razor-vixen - 2004-05-31 08:53:57
Is that�.a giant penis phone????
betty - 2004-05-31 11:44:53
My favorite Bob Barker moment EVER was when he beat up Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore.
onewetleg - 2004-05-31 20:49:22
two days now it has said you updated and i comeback and its the same entry. i can't take this teasing much longer.
sarika - 2004-06-01 06:00:55
i'm so confused. ghost writer maybe? x
Kristina - 2004-06-01 09:21:57
Oh Gump...The Price Is Right...I have to admit to you now that my mother is fond of telling everyone she's ever met that my first sentence was "Come On Down"...she's finds it funny, I find it hideously embarrising, but whatever. And i have found that the best showcase is always the "themed" showcase...for instance, all thing relating to winning the lottery or some other stupid theme. So that's my two cents on Bob Barker...except that I only see about 2 seconds of it every day because it comes on right before the noon news on the same channel that my soap opera then comes on at 12:30...speaking of which, what the hell am I going to do when I can't watch pointless tv during the day any longer? (Sorry that was a question for me really...)
razor-vixen - 2004-06-01 10:22:09
I try to be "go0gle conscious"! Don't know why, no one I know knows I have this place. I haven't mentioned my screen name. But when I've done a g0ogle search on myself I DO come up! Flattering yet kinda scary. Anyhow, yes, male strippers in your house are kind of disturbing. Especially when they keep wanting you to touch their butts. Hope your weekend is EXCITING!
kerbang - 2004-06-01 11:40:23
why does it keep coming back to this entry? where's your new bullshit? i'm bored of the old bullshit. are you trying to get me to read the whole entry? this is all about me isn't it?

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