
purplecigar - 2004-05-11 10:14:58
Astroglide...perhaps could hurt an interviewee's chances or maybe could better them. Depends on who the interviewer is I suppose.
Erika - 2004-05-11 10:29:24
My mom and dad have a small bottle of Astroglide sitting on their night stand. Larry freaked the fuck out when he saw it. ha ha ha ha ha
Ellen - 2004-05-11 10:53:49
Astroglide - not the best lubricant, so yeah... stick it in other people's pockets.
betty - 2004-05-11 11:23:47
Perhaps their attempt to incoroporate "healthy" meals into their menu has something to do with their CEO dieing of a heart attack at the age of 60.
Gumphood - 2004-05-11 11:32:55
Yeah, he's like the Marloboro man of Fast Food.
Katie - 2004-05-11 11:51:46
You know, I have discussed the McDonald thing befor with my friends. Like you said, IT'S MCDONALDS. They substitute authenicity with chemicals. (Sure, that's "real" beef. Uh huh. Only the worst pieces of the cow they can get away with.) Oh, and then the Arbie's commericals with the "sit down" resrurant salads. Look, we paid models to pretend to enjoy being here.

I am going to stop.
alyssa - 2004-05-11 12:36:33
of course my notes work; would it be there if it didn't? :P i think it's actually a pretty cool feature so i borrowed the html. went looking for you last night online and was sorely disappointed. sorry about our last conversation... i'm really trying to cut back on the pot. only spending 25 dollars on it this week as opposed to fifty! woo... okay i'll talk to you later.
kerbang - 2004-05-11 13:07:58
Good work. Don't worry I wouldn't wear the Knock First jacket to an interview. Oh and I know who it was from.
Pandionna - 2004-05-11 13:47:23
I'm sending you the invoice for my new keyboard, as it now has water spat upon it from my rippling peals of laughter.
laural - 2004-05-11 17:06:13
oh shit. funny. love you gump. laural
Danielle - 2004-05-11 20:21:50
Must see the movie Supersize Me. McDonalds is the antichrist. I used to think it was Disney, but now I'm torn. What do you think?
Erin - 2004-05-12 01:17:57
Amen to the mc donalds thing... I ate mcdonalds today and what I did to make it healthier was tell them to not salt my fries and wiped the mayonaise off my chicken sandwich (by the way, when you say "no______" they give you tons, so does this mean I should say say "extra" to get none?") It made sense to me...

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