
Jimmy - 2004-05-03 10:23:42
Awww, gumpy...did someone take away your binky?!?
Sharon - 2004-05-03 10:25:04
What's THIS noise? Just kidding, I know. I heard in the other room whilst painting my room. I think I will be painting that room FOR-EV-ER. Did you get the emergency roommate meeting from Kerbang? Just curious.
Ellen - 2004-05-03 11:13:39
Awe... *snuggles*
razor-vixen - 2004-05-03 11:25:28
That's the problem with roommates....I don't know if I could live around people 24/7. Although...contemplating moving home, ick! Somehow even worse, yet better.
sanetwin - 2004-05-03 11:57:08
Frustrating :(. I'm sorry.

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