
serena (Of serenaville) - 2004-04-22 22:26:50
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GUMP!!!! I had no idea it was your birthday today!! Being egregiously behind on my reads might well play into that. I'm glad I clicked in when I did... would have kicked myself for missing your day. Damn, sorry about your car, hon! That sucks so hard. :/ *HUGS* Here's hoping the remainder of your birthday improves! Will send you a belated shout-out in my space tomorrow. Miss ya! :)
Gumphood - 2004-04-22 22:37:11
It's actually on Monday
AJ - 2004-04-22 22:46:47
Dude, I'm sorry about your car. And I'm glad you're okay. And I am sending you a b-day gift. And now I've run out of things to say.
Ellen - 2004-04-23 00:45:18
Happy Birthday, baby. If it's on Monday, I'll wish you a happy day again! I'm sorry about your car, but I'm glad you're okay. *hugs*
Erin - 2004-04-23 01:05:08
I'm sorry about your car.. I hope you sue the pants off the stupid little dot dot dot's parents.
Violet - 2004-04-23 02:21:56
Two reasons why I loved your entry: 1)Your on Monday makes you a Taurus and I love Taurus' and 2) I don't know how to drive (even though I'm 21), however my roommate let me get behind the wheel today and I nearly ran into the curb so tonights entry brought back memories of earlier today.
Violet - 2004-04-23 02:22:11
Two reasons why I loved your entry: 1)Your on Monday makes you a Taurus and I love Taurus' and 2) I don't know how to drive (even though I'm 21), however my roommate let me get behind the wheel today and I nearly ran into the curb so tonights entry brought back memories of earlier today.
Judith - 2004-04-23 03:12:25
lol I remember learning to drive, and I also NEVER remember confusing the gas with the brake... not once. I hate teenage drivers (and I'm one). The stupid fucks should just get off the road (except me lol).
rok - 2004-04-23 03:42:27
SUCK! Holy crap, dood, you so need jesus in the worst way. Or maybe a smooch and some chocolate. Either way, I wish your birthday was a little less sucktastic! And pretty car is all broke! No good no good! Happy birthday, kiddo.
razor-vixen - 2004-04-23 08:17:22
Yikes. That really sucks. Is she being charged? Your poor car. Poor YOU!
Ange - 2004-04-23 08:18:59
Sorry to hear about your car. But Happy Birthday anyway!
Lorie - 2004-04-23 08:50:16
Crap, Gump, that sucks about your car. I'm glad you aren't seriously hurt, though. I think we must be having a car wreck epidemic, or I'm paying more attention, because it seems like I hear about another one every day. I hope her family has insurance!
aliop33 - 2004-04-23 08:59:04
Birthday?! Damn boy. you are a secret sort of folk aren't you? Sorry about your car. stupid girls. oh wait, i mean, stupid teenage girls!
Erika - 2004-04-23 09:09:34
That really sucks. My birthday card will be late as I ordered you a special one and it hasn't gotten here yet, but know I'm singing to you somewhere in Florida.
Kelly - 2004-04-23 13:05:35
Do you get to buy a new car with all the money you get from sueing her?!!!!!! Glad you didn't die.
jen - 2004-04-23 13:20:38
At least you are okay. Happy Birthday anyway Gump! HOpe the weekend goes better.
betty - 2004-04-23 14:59:01
Happy birthday!! Yeah. . .so her parents are going to be paying up huh? Hope the rest of your birthday was better!
Georgina - 2004-04-23 17:39:25
Sorry 'bout your car, hope your b-day got better.
Death-Dealer - 2004-04-23 18:54:27
sorry about el caroocho. this is why technology is sh*t.(<< -------------------------------
candoor - 2004-04-23 20:06:44
such major suckages must definitely mean you are owed major points by the universe and it better pay up soon or I will declare it unfair to gumps and other precious beings... damn the torpedos on four wheels and full speed ahead towards a kickass birthday and your best year yet, which is the least you deserve, so there.
kristina - 2004-04-23 20:08:14
hey, ijust clicked on your banner and read your diary for the heck of it. sorry about your car, that totally sux @$$. happy b'day by the way. you seem like a cool guy. ~kristina
funda - 2004-04-23 20:08:23
When is Monday? (obviously I have been gone, so please play the Happy Birthday song on Monday, for you, whenever it is).
candora - 2004-04-23 20:13:17
...slicing through life somewhere in midstream, from somewhere east of oblivion I call myself back to wish you wonder and blessed feelings for at least seventeen days (overcoming all obstacles life and other humans might place in your way) so you can remember the inner gump, the beauty and precious commodity you are in perspective and good health, and may resilient and unstoppable devious delight follow you all the rest of your days.
sarika - 2004-04-24 06:07:31
hope you're ok. and happy birthday. yeah, im origional x
Pandionna - 2004-04-24 14:58:37
Holy Cow! I'm just glad you're okay. Maybe the rest of the weekend will make up for your birthday. If I were there, I'd take you out for the drink of your choice--and I'D drive.
sammybob24 - 2004-04-24 16:09:19
Dude, that so sucks! I love your layout--the tikki picture is awesome! Happy Birthday Cheers, KW
scumthing - 2004-04-25 13:58:01
zebras and happey b-day! sorry about the car, geez i mean that sucks uber fat smelly monkeys
scumthing - 2004-04-25 14:02:12
and i hope u didn't die you should put up another entry even if its only a sentence long
Liquid Human - 2004-04-25 21:30:42
Happy Birthday Gump! I bought you a new car for your birthday. It's in the mail.

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