
Unclepumpkin - 2004-04-14 11:00:37
I have a day off and Starsider is down...You ARE awful.
Erika - 2004-04-14 11:02:36
bad, bad, bad. heh
Ange - 2004-04-14 11:45:16
See, this is why I don't have roommates. I'd rather sell my car and work two jobs. Man. However, you do get some great entries out of it, don't ya? So, I'm seriously thinking of relocating to the Boston area for better work opportunities. See, my boyfriend lives north of Boston and my ex-fiance just moved there to work for a software company. I'm not looking for a roommate but do you think you could help me out -- give me advice about what the cost of living is, what rent goes for, what salaries one should expect in a professional job and any other helpful insider information? Please? It would be wicked helpful. I'll take any advice/info to heart. I'm trying to ask as many people as I know in the area so I can get a better feel for it all before I make any decisions....
aliop33 - 2004-04-14 12:39:09
all i can picture is you interviewing these people like they did in Shallow Grave. Now, that is the type of roomie to get. one that dies and has a suitcase full of money you can steal. it would be great until the othe part of the movie at least. (i don't want to say too much cause maybe you didn't see the movie. You have to see it if you haven't yet. it's fucked.)
sharon - 2004-04-14 12:39:52
man, this girl sounds exactly like ME! hmmm.... maybe it is me. except the porch part. it's too goddamned cold for a porch around she crazy?
bethany - 2004-04-14 12:53:55
i was getting emails from people who wanted to live with me off of the only reason i signed up for easyroommate is that i am horny. but all these chicks writing to me didn't come off as bi-sexual, so i deleted their emails.
kerbang - 2004-04-14 12:56:01
you were reaching on that last one. beware the google search for America's Library.
Pandionna - 2004-04-14 13:34:39
I understand that she has to tell you what she's looking for, but I couldn't help but get the feeling that it's all about what potential roommates could do for HER.
laural - 2004-04-14 15:50:29
hey she sounds cool. At least give her an interview. You know Diaryland loves ya don't you? and me too. Laural
vomitingcod - 2004-04-14 15:57:50
OK, Sara and i think we might be in. Do you hear me? We might be in! Don't let that chick smoke in our apartment! Sara was actually really excited by the prospect. The only sticking pt is the Sept move in.
the-book-bag - 2004-04-15 02:16:04
I voted for "Funny Gumphood;" 'cause I don't really buy "Deep Sensitive Gump;" I don't like any reviewer because their only job is to criticize; don't care for Gunphood (too immature for my tastes); never read Dingus Gump (as your archives seem to be inaccessable); can't say I cotton much to anyone who puts themselves on par with the almighty, and I have no friggin' clue as to who or what MECHA-GUMP might be. So, there ya go. Reasoning behind the votes. Should become a VH1 special anyday now.
Lu - 2004-04-15 12:25:40
Making fun of her major, Gump? Not nice. I only say this, because i'm a philosophy major, and I have to hear it from people. And about the porch thing...I don't know what it is, either, but when I moved in to my house, I was SO excited to have a porch. Maybe it has something to do with being easily amused? That might be the good kind of roommate to have. "Hey look, something shiny...fuck off" Heh.
jes - 2004-04-15 18:57:52
gump, i am dying of bordem. any suggestions? love, jes

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