
Gumphood - 2004-04-13 01:05:56
If you read it, please tell me how funny it is that I read that outloud.
lindsay - 2004-04-13 02:25:29
haha wow
lindsay - 2004-04-13 02:26:49
in front of everyone? haha omg, great stuff!
Cat - 2004-04-13 02:51:53
Are you sure you weren't (also) drunk when you read it to the class? :-)
laural - 2004-04-13 07:45:01
It is a travesty that you had to follow the chic reading about a miscarriage. Nothing can follow a miscarriage! That was a really funny story and I laughed to prove it. It really was good: the flow of the story was smooth but I loved the character development the best. You knew the people in the story; I think everyone can relate to them. Good job. Shitty about the miscarriage, though. love Laural
Gumphood - 2004-04-13 07:50:08
I wished I was drunk!
Danielle - 2004-04-13 08:11:49
Please tell me you used voices. And please record this and upload it so we can all hear it. My life will be richer for it.
Erika - 2004-04-13 09:42:14
I applaud your balls, Gump.
Unclepumpkin - 2004-04-13 09:42:46
You expect anyone to believe that you wrote this for a class at Stonehill? Okay, I'll bite, maybe you did, but there's no way it got a B+. Hazzard would have failed you.
aliop33 - 2004-04-13 09:49:24
That was pretty funny. Are you sure you didn't write it about your night?
Sharon - 2004-04-13 11:18:33
I'm sorry, that was too long for me to read and I have the attention span of a 3 year old. you're going to have to perform roommate theater.
Emily - 2004-04-13 13:27:59
Heh. I liked that story. If I had been in your class, I would have laughed, but yeah, following a miscarriage story? That's brutal.
kerbang - 2004-04-13 14:22:05
i read the whole thing. i liked it. especially the end, it got very funny there. i think you need to work on your scottish though.
wondermart - 2004-04-13 15:10:11
Makes me glad I don't take English. Good laugh though.
Liquid HUman - 2004-04-13 16:02:50
Bravo, Gump! A first rate story! Especially since you read it aloud, which is awesome. I am laughing imagining you yelling in a thick brogue "Em net American, bet Eh want me Jerky!"
vomitingcod - 2004-04-13 20:49:44
i mean, it made me vomit
Spiraloutxx - 2004-04-14 09:53:50
Ha, that was the best story. I agree with the person who said you should record it and upload it. You better have done the voices when you read it aloud. Are you sure Joseph was Scottish? He sounded mighty like a Newfoundlander to me.

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