
Jimmy - 2004-04-08 11:06:35
I'm not a girl...
Unclepumpkin - 2004-04-08 11:21:43
Jimmy is cool.
Gumphood - 2004-04-08 11:31:14
Yeah...I love him...he's so favorite fucker ever. I hope he comes around all the time with his witty statements and non-linked ass and tell me more witty things. Jimmy. Eat my world!
razor-vixen - 2004-04-08 12:20:50
HAHAHAHAHA! It's not spam? Someone actually wants YOU, PERSONALLY to do this? Well, I think you should be a little flattered. And my thoughts on it: the ass is an exit, not an entrance. Let's keep it that way!
betty - 2004-04-08 12:29:43
Wow, so I don't know if I'd be flattered by the ass emails, but she MUST think you're attractive to come on to you. Go on with your bad self.
Judith - 2004-04-08 12:40:44
Holy shit lol, er... yellow shit. You should ask the person to pay you!! Then do it and run! So yeah... lol have a good day :-\.
Erika - 2004-04-08 12:43:10
I'm sorry. I'll quit right away.
rok - 2004-04-08 12:47:21
I see you! And I'm looking at you! HAHAHAH!! And you can't make me stop! MUAH! ... And dood - ass emails? I mean really, that is so 1997.
bethany - 2004-04-08 14:10:22
i am sorry gump. i'll stop. but just because you said please.
Kristina - 2004-04-08 15:10:04
Hey, thanks about the layout, i think I'll stick with it for awhile. Oh, and no worries about the grammar - I consider myself a good writer, and a pretty horrific speller so, I know how it goes! I'd be much better off if diaryland was equiped with spell check!
Laural - 2004-04-08 16:52:14
wow. that beats all to hell. Are you serious-there is someone who is asking you to do this? Is she--wow if that doesn't beat all. Only in Gumpland. laural
Suzie Derkins - 2004-04-08 23:12:32
Sometimes I sing in the shower, Sometimes I sing on the street, Sometimes I sing for no reason at all, To all of the people I meet. ~Sarah (Lalalalalala...) You don't know me, but I definitely do NOT want you to take a whiz anywhere near me. Thanks for that.
Cat - 2004-04-09 01:18:05
Two things -- Eeewww! And: I'm watching you!
msquixotic - 2004-04-09 11:44:22
hey.. just dropping by to say hi.
jes - 2004-04-09 11:59:36
ok, if you wont pee in my ass, how about the face? hair? maybe you will just fart on me? (i had a boyfriend who did this once, it was horrible, but i couldnt help but laugh my ass off.) so yeah, dont know where you live, but you can just email the urine to me at your earliest convience.
kerbang - 2004-04-09 12:53:38
you are a diaryland whore.
kerbang - 2004-04-09 12:54:11
and by you i mean gumphood.

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