
jen - 2004-03-26 10:49:48
wow, aren't you going to have the slumber party...Yeah, she should have made mention, but have some grace with her, or else it might be an even more difficult situation.
sanetwin - 2004-03-26 10:57:52
I think you have every right to be irritated. It showed that she didn't pay attention to what you said, or else just didn't care if she was infringing on your plans. I'm sorry :(
Gumphood - 2004-03-26 11:01:48
For your levity ----
Ellen - 2004-03-26 11:14:59
You're not overreacting. Everything seems to be her, her, her. I'd be pissed, too - especially for the reason that you are having this get-together. She should be the nice girl... and switch her plans.
bethany - 2004-03-26 11:16:58
i am not looking for comments. i am moving it, i just need to fix mine b/c it is all fucked up and i need to see what it looks like on the page. so bite me. i love you.
wondermart - 2004-03-26 11:20:47
My roommate drags people over unannounced at 1 am all the freakin time to "hang out." They sit on the couch and talk about 1 of three things: 1) god 2) lacrosse 3) god. You are not overreacting. Let her have her people over, but the next day, put some laxatives in her coffee. Mmm...vengeance...
Victorianna - 2004-03-26 11:32:47
Maybe you should sit down with her and say "hey, what's the deal? I read in your diary about this and you KNOW that I'm already having people over, what's the deal?" You guys should work this out...but, hey, maybe there may be the possibility of everyone getting along and yall will have a BIG party. Sit with her and discuss it and suggest that if she's doing this then she should buy some food too. It was wrong for her to do this though and not talk to you about it. LAME! But, what can you do? All you can do is sit down calmly of course and talk to her. Laterz! ~V~
Gumphood - 2004-03-26 11:35:11
I am not looking for anything like that. Sharon is a good person, it's just I either 1) Don't think she respects me or 2) Doesn't think that she is disrespecting me. If she wanted to have a party in the house I am fine with that. I only have a problem in the following situation. I ask to do something, and then (she has to do two things) 1) Plans something on top of that and 2) Doesn't bother to tell me. If she told me, or asked me, thats the end of my issue. I just talked to her and she asked the rest of the roommate, so this makes me feel even better.
dinguspie - 2004-03-26 12:11:03
Seriously, just chill out. It will be fun. The more the merrier. Turn it into a big brouhaha. Roust the night away. You know you care to much about plans, about your plans working, about planning, etc. Just let go of that weird psychosis, and everything will be fun.
Sharon - 2004-03-26 12:29:53
well, technically we won't be in the house...we'll be in the beer pong room. Furthermore, i was under the impression you weren't going to be around--it's my bad that I didn't think of telling you--it was an oversight. I try to be perfect but sometimes, I simply just can't be. However, to cater--i won't invite 'friends' over anymore. We'll have it at someone else's next time. But I'm glad people hate me now. I was getting bored with my life.
Gumphood - 2004-03-26 12:49:22
Dingus is right. I get upset at others over two things in life. Messing with my plans or property. Thats it. Is it weird? Yes. I will write an entry about it. As for Sharon, I don't demand perfection, I myself am far from perfect, but I am sad that you would forget about something as simple as telling me your plans.
kerbang - 2004-03-26 12:57:21
dingus is the wisest of men, i am consistently made aware of that. and you know, you DID tell us that you specifically would not be around to play beer pong. that sticks out in my mind from the conversation we had. so while i would be mad at Sharon for messing with my plans, if she messes with my secret sneaky plans, I can't really hold her accountable for that. (though she should tell all roommates when people are coming over)
kerbang - 2004-03-26 12:58:55
oh incidentally i could not macro your man. technical difficulties.
bethany - 2004-03-26 13:13:24
does anyone else find it weird ya'll are having this convo. over a comments page in diaryland? man, i would NEVER let my roommates know i had a journal. i mean, where else could i go to bitch about them then?
Lisa - 2004-03-26 16:49:56
Wow..I think the responses are just a little too harsh. She didn't mean any harm. I mean the girl moves here from California, knows just her roommates and wants to befriend more people and that's wrong?? You people need to lighten up.
Laural - 2004-03-26 16:57:12
I think it was a misunderstanding though you have every right to be pissed. Though I think at the root of it is your hurt feelings. It seems that is what you are upset over: That she did not tell you something she should have and you feel you were not important enough to her for her to remember to tell you. So just let her know that and all will be happy in the roomate home. I hope. Love me.
OrlandoNinja - 2004-03-27 08:58:03
You need to chill out, you're coming across as spoiled.
s-u-s-u - 2004-03-28 06:06:22
I'd be mad, mad as hell.

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