
Erika - 2004-03-05 15:55:40
That reminds me of Austin Powers when Will Ferrill is off the cliff and won't die. ha ha ha
laural - 2004-03-05 16:46:25
I have always wanted to learn a martial art. Keep us posted on how you are doing. thanks for the moment of zen. I may be silly but who are these men and is one of them you? Keep smiling! it's the weekend... love me.
Sacy - 2004-03-05 17:07:56
I initially came to say merely LMAO, but I liked the "fade in" effect so much (very zen)I just had to comment on it. Hurry up and read my diary, please.
lindsay - 2004-03-05 18:59:15
hiiiiii!!! password = toesocks
Ellen - 2004-03-05 19:19:03
My dad took classes like those. It's scary knowing there are people walking among us who could rip out my eyeballs with one little... tap.
dinguspie - 2004-03-07 13:43:06
kerbang - 2004-03-15 22:05:39
dude, the password is toesocks. this entry was funny. and by this entry i mean my comment.

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