
rok - 2004-03-02 15:02:57
Dood - screw you and your calling of the CA Cali. Only people who aren't from here call it that. Sheehs. Second, we have seasons! There is wet, then VERY wet, then dry, then VERY HOT AND DRY, then wet again. ;) (I realize that doesn't count for much in the worlds where it snows, but dood, it snows here too - up in the mountains and sometimes heavy frost on the hills during winter/wet season. Wee!) Third: high school sweeties are hard to get over for girls because they tend to be our FIRSTS. Firsts are hard to get over. But? A more mature girl would be able to talk and hang with you even, while the chicks you are talking about are probably still processing a lot of emotional upheavel from the HS days. HS in general is tumultuous. ... Or maybe they were biotches. Who knows! *smooch*
rok - 2004-03-02 15:36:28
Ok ok, I concede: our seasons are not like real seasons. Sadly. And The Dark Crystal is AWEsomeTACular. Hee.
laural - 2004-03-02 16:42:52
More than likely they just have not moved past the pain...which since it was high school is a rather sad commentary on them. hope your day is wonderful. love me.
Ellen - 2004-03-02 17:38:11
Maybe they thought you were avoiding them. They probably came home and wrote in their diary about how they once dated a guy in high school who ignored them at the reunion. The first girl probably thinks you were cordial, but was holding something back. The second girl probably feels like you were avoiding her. That is... unless you did approach them all and I'm just writing a bunch of bullgarbage! ;)
Ellen - 2004-03-02 17:40:13
Nonetheless, I liked that entry. I liked that you wrote about the big, bad wrestler dude ordering a girlie drink! Now, that just made my heart melt! :)
Erin - 2004-03-02 19:05:05
Actually, I felt a little stupid when I found out he liked me, because I completely missed it, but I WAS happy about the fact. Where I lived in CA had two seasons: Hot and Hotter. But when it got cold, it got COLD. (But looking back on it, CA's COLD is WA's HOT and I probably wouldn't be cold there anymore.) I would avoid fuckface at a reunion because he treated me like shit and I couldn't get out of that one fast enough, but my other exes I would talk to and hang out with.
rok - 2004-03-02 20:12:37
SO you know that dood who is imatating your dairy? The guNphood boy? He made fun of me in his profile. Said I didn't know how to spell ROCK. Heh. I feel honored to be ridiculed as well. ... does that make me silly? ... ... probably. grin.
razor-vixen - 2004-03-03 08:25:27
My boyfriend who went to my highschool, I wouldn't avoid. He was a nice guy, things just didn't work out. My long-term highschool boyfriend however, was a real ass to me throughout that relationship. So, if I was to see him somewhere, I'd avoid him, or kick him in the nuts.
candoor - 2004-03-03 08:39:53
for some, it never goes away (unless one goes numb and I most people actually might do that)... I think it's not just maturity, it's the way life is set up... that living every moment as if that is all there is and all that ever will be - high school intensity - is seldom repeated once life divides up into working hours and cleaning/necessities hours and family hours and planning for the future and so on... I still miss it, and it's been a hundred years (feels like a million, feels like yesterday)... a sad thought for me is I've never been to a reunion, don't even know if my class of 1500+ even had one and there was some profound unfinished emotional stuff (a part of my heart will always be in love with one of my high school loves) so thinking about an actually face to face eye to eye meeting is a shivery thought (I never did want to grow up anyway... I have too much fun laughing at myself)... maybe one mistake in life is trying to repeat the same or equivalent intensity after all the time consuming responsibilities leave no room for daily "all the time" sharings )unless one doesn't have to work or has enough job freedom, I suppose)... compromise, yeah, I don't want to hear it, but I know :)
Christine - 2004-03-03 09:21:37
I think that Rok is right, as my first would definitely be someone I would avoid at the reunion. HS emotions are so poignant, and felt so much deeper than our adult emotions. If a guy did to me now what my HS boy did to me then I would probably reduce his pitiful world to rubble and dust, but back then all I could imagine was SUICIDE... Drama for yer Mama... Then again, I would probably say something even if he was trying to avoid me. Ask him how the trailer park was treating him or something equally debasing. I guess we all look back and want to smack ourselves for something... with girls it's just usually guys we dated. This probably answered your question not at all. ;)
dinguspie - 2004-03-03 10:15:24
I know I avoided you because I was embarassed by you...heh. The second avoided you because, I mean, it's just so weird to confront someone you were once so close to but now so distant from. It's one point, you saw her naked, and she saw you naked, and you had total access to her (not just in the obvious sense.) But now, just because some shit happened, you are like strangers, but worse, because you both know what you shared and what you are missing. The absence of your once special relationship would hang over every second of the awkward conversation that you (fortunately) didn't have. That's why, for example, trout and bowen can never talk. (just kidding)
kevin - 2004-03-03 12:06:54
I hear ya, dude

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