
spiraloutxx - 2004-02-17 13:01:23
bethany - 2004-02-17 13:16:45
i am eating a fucking salad and now i want a fucking pizza. thanks a lot!
lorie - 2004-02-17 13:36:54
i am a notoriously awful drunk dialer. every time i drink, out comes the phone. once i called about fifteen people to tell them that i fell down the stairs at the bar.
spiraloutxx - 2004-02-17 13:51:40
No no.I'm not doing the lockdown. I swear. One person I know is, because I made some comment to someone else about how these journals seem to hav become a substitutefor talking. I made this comment, I'd say about three weeks ago, and his person is PMSing because they thing I directed it at them, when obviously, they're an ego maniac.
spiraloutxx - 2004-02-17 13:53:43
No no.I'm not doing the lockdown. I swear. One person I know is, because I made some comment to someone else about how these journals seem to hav become a substitutefor talking. I made this comment, I'd say about three weeks ago, and his person is PMSing because they thing I directed it at them, when obviously, they're an ego maniac.
Ange - 2004-02-17 14:37:18
My ex-fiance (originally from NJ) is an evil Yankees fan. I was forced into watching all of their World Series appearances. Ironically I never bonded with the team...they all kind of seemed like jerkasses. Now my current boyfriend is a hardcore Red Sox fan. I find it easier to empathize with the Red Sox after watching that documentary: Curse of the Bambino. The history between the two teams is absolutely riveting. I also know how to make a grown man (provided he's a Red Sox fan) cry. Just remember that nothing could be worse than '88.
Kat - 2004-02-17 15:33:40
Ok, so I'm part of the Evil Undertow. But, I'm a nice girl. :) What can I say, I'm sexcited for baseball season to start up.
sanetwin - 2004-02-17 16:13:44
The best is drunk pizza. Coming home trashed and starving, knowing that there is no way in hell you could cook without burning the house down. Then you open the fridge and than-the-leftover-gods there is cold pizza in there.
rok - 2004-02-17 17:29:21
I would so call you drunk. That would be rad, because of the time difference and you not knowing my voice, so you would be like "Who the heck is this drunk chick?! But maybe I can get her to take off her underware or something..." (Would that rate in the "sychophantic internet slut" catagory, or should I try for something else?)
B.e.D. - 2004-02-18 07:57:54
Oh my god. I am neither a Sox nor a Yanks fan, but I feel your pain. Jason Giambi... Bastards... Oh and Rok has called me drunk, it is fantabulous! I am not sure if she took her underwear off though...

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