
jen - 2004-02-13 16:19:07
sweet :) hope you guys have a great weekend.
Miss-k2 - 2004-02-13 16:22:00
could you possibly send me the password? Thanks
sarika - 2004-02-13 17:01:30
can i have the password? x
Erin - 2004-02-13 19:08:00
TEASE!! You start an entry and then finish it in your private entries! TEASE!!*Pout*
s-u-s-u - 2004-02-14 06:34:34
hi Gump dear, can I have your password please? Thanks.
Danielle - 2004-02-14 10:28:43
Bitch, why don't I have this password? And Memorial Day is the last weekend in May. Plan to entertain me. (I'm so DOM today! Hee!)
ex - 2004-02-14 12:01:14
ohhh pasword please? and thanks for the note :) I hope you are right!
Shelly - 2004-02-14 23:43:54
Jesus Christ, man...if you're going to write me a love letter, don't expose it to your sycophantic cyber-sluts!
rok - 2004-02-15 00:11:23
"sycophantic cyber-sluts"? When the hell did we get a cool name like that?!? Gimme. Me no gottie. Passwordo, gumpone!
spiraloutxx - 2004-02-16 12:51:44
Pssst, password? I'm not a sycophantic cyber-slut, am I? Wait, yes, I am.
lorie - 2004-02-17 09:49:17
hey gump, i'm a day overdue or something but i don't know if i've requested the password before - may i please have it? thanks!

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