
Katie - 2004-02-12 10:03:19
You're the one with the sexy helmet.
K - 2004-02-12 10:06:34
You are the one with the gay pants.
razor-vixen - 2004-02-12 10:24:51
You are the one on your knees, because, well, that's the best position to...oh wait, you're a guy, right???
Cookie - 2004-02-12 10:25:44
I say helmet guy as well. Also, I didn't see that particular confession - some of those are comedy gold, dude.
bethany - 2004-02-12 10:34:44
i am still in love with you. you make me laugh in a way i never thought possible. marry me?
lorie - 2004-02-12 10:45:36
oh, oops, i forgot to look at the characters. i just wanted to say that i bought maroon 5's album over the summer and absolutely love it. it's very singable/danceable.
sanetwin - 2004-02-12 11:00:22
the guy with the blue camo pants?
Ellen - 2004-02-12 11:54:12
Woah Bethany! Gump's got a HUGE fan! :) Oh yeah, and... you're in the blue! ;)
Erika - 2004-02-12 11:59:03
I'm going with kneeling guy also, because, well, I just think it's you.
Jimmy - 2004-02-12 13:49:17
I think you are the black one who doesn't wear a shirt and uses a carbine
aliop33 - 2004-02-12 14:10:54
You're the one way in the back that sort of looks like a rock right? Yeah, that is what I thought. Thanks for the note the other day, you should have gone into therapy cause you always make me feel so much better. If i wasn't a lesbian and you weren't!
jen - 2004-02-12 14:51:12
i keep forgetting to answer your questions: the snow is in N. Oklahoma, def. not where i'm from. i'm fairly sure i am not the person you are thinking you knew in Mass. i've only been to Boston once, the summer before last. we did the liberty trail and all the cemetaries :) i got my masters in public health and my undergrad in biology/chemistry take care, jen
Not Jimmy - 2004-02-13 04:31:47
There is so NOT a Jimmy! Where's Utah? Now, that's a character.
Datchery - 2004-02-14 17:18:36
You must be the guy kneeling.
Kerbang - 2004-02-14 18:33:16
I am the one that looks cool.

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