
Gumphood - 2004-02-11 08:44:38
Guys, I am getting a PH3D!!! It's like so multi-dimensional.
jen - 2004-02-11 08:48:14
:) the last starfighter...sounds like something my brother and his roomies would watch...right after they fight it out on the X-Box.
Gumphood - 2004-02-11 09:08:03
Jen, I need you address or something. I want to reply, but you give me nothing. JEN!!!!
Erika - 2004-02-11 09:22:06
Don't do it Jen, He will hunt you down, wile you with his charming words and then leave you on the side of the road like a dead opossum. Seriously. Oh, The Last Starfighter kicks ass. I haven't seen that in ages.
Ellen - 2004-02-11 09:22:09
jen - 2004-02-11 09:40:53
hey, i signed your guestbook with all my latest. take care, jen
Kat - 2004-02-11 10:40:55
That sounds like one fine learning institute. Maybe I should quit school and call them!

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