
sharon - 2004-02-10 15:14:04
you totally spelled chiropractor right. Woah, you really MUST have a fever!
Erika - 2004-02-10 15:22:03
1) I am really hot, like really hot. aLWAYS. And dude, I was leaving you alone cause I thought you were working! WORKING! Send me a Valentine, psycho hose beast.
Gumphood - 2004-02-10 15:35:36
I didn't wrtie this entry. Lil' Romeo did.
bethany - 2004-02-10 16:14:08
i think i am in love with you. please move to chicago.
Erin - 2004-02-10 18:18:15
Yep, you have a fever all right Please don't throw up on me like Collin did yesterday...I want a Valentine, but there's still going to be a bitter entry...
Emily - 2004-02-10 23:01:32
Well, now I want a Cadbury egg now. Those are yummy. I would a Valentine, please!
Spiraloutxx - 2004-02-11 08:08:45
Are you sure you're going to mail me a Valentine...even if it is via the internet? I'm still waiting for that so called Christmas card you supposedly sent me! Ha, just kidding, no I'm not. Yes, I am. No, no, I'm not. YES, I AM! Am I? For god sakes, yes! I am! No! Yes! Okay, I'm done...Am I?

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