
jen - 2004-02-05 11:51:45
Faith does not rely on feelings at all. It is the evidence of things not seen. If you start from the viewpoint that there are many truths and my truth can be as valid as yours then, faith if not possible for you, because you are using a philosophy or arugment that does not line up with reality. The reality is that God is real. That there is absolute truth to seek and find. That you are not here by chance or to live aimlessly. The reality is that we all need God, despite the philosophies that shout at you to ignore that need. He exists outside of time, and space, and religion. He existed before Nietzsche took a breath, and proclaimed to the world that God is dead. He is very much alive, and when you seek Him with all of your heart and mind you will find Him.
Gumphood - 2004-02-05 11:59:26
Fictional story people. Part of a whole. One part. One experience. Jen is mad. I didn't even know Jen read.
kerbang - 2004-02-05 12:33:09
the last time i shot heroin, i thought about diaryland. and what a wonderful place it is. full of love, and god, and nietzsche.
Ange - 2004-02-05 13:01:44
But no, I still hate Thursdays with a passion. It's ok if you like them. I am even having a shittastic Thursday to illustrate (I would suppose) how much Thursdays really do suck. Thursday this week anyway, is even worse than Wednesday, and Wednesday sucked ass. *collapses on the counter at work*
.stephanie. - 2004-02-05 13:44:31
i liked entry today alot<3
.stephanie. - 2004-02-05 13:44:43
i liked entry today alot<3
Erika - 2004-02-05 13:51:23
I don't think Jen is mad, I think she's expressing her viewpoint on the matter. Why is it deemed "cool" to not believe in God, but when one offers their opinion in favor of God, they are looked at as being a fanatic or dumb even.
rok - 2004-02-05 13:52:20
I like cake.
pura vida - 2004-02-05 14:16:10
As a Jew, one's first and foremost task is to be the Divine's partner in creation -- that is, to repair what *we* have broken. I don't have 'faith' per se in the normative Judaeo-Christian conception of God, but I do believe that there is a positive transformative force in this universe calling for us to restore our squalid little planet to justice. Faith is ultimately unimportant. What counts is action. Woah, you must think I'm a patchouli-wearing crystal kisser. I swear to you, I'm not.
pura-vida - 2004-02-05 14:43:22
I also like cake.
sharon - 2004-02-05 14:48:42
i want some cake now.
Gumphood - 2004-02-05 14:54:17
Stay focused people. We are talking about Angel Food, not Devils Cake.
bethany - 2004-02-05 15:24:01
who DOESNT want you? i mean, come on! did you get a new site. gumphood/ what in the holy hell?
bethany - 2004-02-05 15:24:08
who DOESNT want you? i mean, come on! did you get a new site? gumphood/ what in the holy hell?
Miss-k2 - 2004-02-05 19:45:31
I want heroin now, not to get high but to feel Jesus's arms hugging me.
Datchery - 2004-02-06 17:59:49
Ok folks, party's over out of the pool!
teresa - 2004-02-06 19:19:01
hey. i love you now <3

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