
Cookie - 2004-02-05 09:19:29
Like I needed THAT freakin' song stuck in my head. One night, about five or so years ago, I was super!drunk and on my way into this dorm to see a friend of mine. Well, I ended up hanging out with these kids I went to high school with, and one of them, who was highly obnoxious, Matt, all he did for like, three hours was sing that part of "Crazy" over and over again. And that is my pointless story of the day, thankyouverymuch.
razor-vixen - 2004-02-05 09:23:16
Britney, you need to RELAX! Geez.
kevin - 2004-02-05 09:29:18
I've never heard the term chitlins. I mean not used like that, I have heard of chitlins I thought they were some sort of food. That was amazing. What were you arguing? Everyone, though, has days like you had, no worries
razor-vixen - 2004-02-05 09:37:43
Hey I just noticed the new addition to your image...cute. How appropriate!
wondermart - 2004-02-05 09:38:10
1) 56 million songs to sing, and you pick that one? awesome. 2) I think chitlins actually are a type of food, also. I do believe I've heard my grandmother say "All we ever had to eat growing up was beans and chitlins. We got oranges at Christmas," or something like that. 3) I've been in something of a daze lately too. Just sort of drifting through life and sometimes mildly lashing out at the people who try to stop that drifting. Just like the irate redneck who honked at my car the other day, it will pass, but not before sufficiently pissing you off.
Ellen - 2004-02-05 09:39:48
Chitlins! Oooh my! ;) Of course, I'm a major fan of boys. Well, girls are mighty hot too. This goes back to the whole... reading the entire entry but one section sticking in the brain! Nonetheless, *HUGS* and in fact... *GREAT BIG OL' HUGS* I hope things start feelin' better. I adore you, Gumpster! :)
Ange - 2004-02-05 09:39:53
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with PMS.
Gumphood - 2004-02-05 09:41:57
Are you talking about Chicklets
April - 2004-02-05 10:22:18
I guess I just got my culture lesson for the morning. All my life, I'd always associated Chitlins with a heaping plate of fried pork intestines, but I guess I was wrong. Forget ethnic delicacies! Chitlins is now a great word to describe those hang-ten frat boys I see walking around campus with their Californian slacker ethos. Righteous.
rok - 2004-02-05 10:31:03
Freak. 1) Crazy people argue with no one. You were arguing with people. Ergo, you ain't crazy. 2) You have yet to say why you so dazed and confused, so all the hugs and loves and hopes you feels betters aren't gonna do squat if yer lookin' fer answers here. But then again, maybe you ain't, so... HUG! Hope you feel better! 3) I like cake.
sharon - 2004-02-05 11:36:34
I KNEW Chitlins were a type of food! Nah, you made a good argument. Furthermore, you were arguing with an ex-psychology / sociology minor and Kerbang who always thinks he's right. blah. That's a recipe for disaster right there. However, we all had a fun time with telling "why ready is annoying stories". John, Lisa and I are starting The Sims [well, John has already started. You have a Sherlock Holmes face] on our respective computers. It was funny...Ready was making messes and you kept cleaning it up. John and Ready, ironically, fight all the time. I want to eat chitlins--i mean, chicken now.
Datchery - 2004-02-06 18:10:57
No Gump is right on target there

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