
pete - 2004-01-23 11:54:11
ok, i dont know whats worse...the fact that this happened, or the fact that there might be more stories regarding "albino's" bodily secretions!! -a friend of lisa's
sanetwin - 2004-01-23 11:59:38
I had an ex who would regularly partake in too much alcohol and pass out on the couch or in bed and wake up in a puddle of urine. My solution to this was easy. After about the third time, I stopped waking him gently to clean the mess. I instead would bring in a bucket of really cold water and dump it all over him. He's awake AND it's partially cleaned.
Ange - 2004-01-23 12:14:19
Do I wanna read the "Secrete" entry? I must say I'm a bit intrigued, so if you attach a Surgeon General's Warning and email me the information, I might have a heyday. [email protected] BTW: You tell a great party/hangover story.
Erika - 2004-01-23 12:30:13
Oh hell no. I just don't think I could clean up someone's drunk shit. That's disgusting. He would be buying a new mattress. *shudders
Kat - 2004-01-23 13:15:14
Dear Lord. I'm in college again, why am I not having this much "fun"? Maybe I'm just too old, 28 is ancient you know. Anyhow, just goes to show that moderation is the key to all things happy in life.
bethany - 2004-01-23 13:15:30
i love you, you silly random bastard.
razor-vixen - 2004-01-23 13:40:45
Oh. My. God. I can't believe that actually happened. Does this lovely man have a girlfriend?? I want that job!

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